Saturday, April 09, 2011

KS COMMON SENSE writer ASKS–”With a 3 trillion dollar war and security budget for 2010-2012, why are we not cutting that instead of conservation, Amer

KS COMMON SENSE writer ASKS–”With a 3 trillion dollar war and security budget for 2010-2012, why are we not cutting that instead of conservation, America!?”

Dear USA Senators and Congresmen,

I have signed an email to you today stating:

I’m writing to urge you to stop polluters from hijacking the budget bill (HR 1), which is an attack on our nation’s bedrock conservation laws — including the Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, and Clean Air Act — and endangers the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the wildlife and lands we cherish.

I don’t want to see a shutdown of the federal government, but the far reaching anti-environmental riders and draconian spending cuts in HR 1 should be rejected. Ensuring a healthy environment for our kids and families and for wildlife should not be a partisan issue; it is a deeply held value that millions of Americans share.

Gutting landmark conservation legislation has nothing to do with balancing the budget and these provisions should be stripped before any final agreement is reached. Moreover, funding for critical wildlife conservation programs should be restored. It’s not credible to make these cuts when billions in subsidies for oil and gas companies remain untouched.

The WORLD WILDLIFE fUND, THE NATIONAL WILDLIFE ACTION FUND, and I are incredulous at your behavior and siregard fr basic sustainable development concepts?

Stop the Stealth Attack on Wildlife

After nearly disappearing from most of the United States decades ago, the bald eagle is now flourishing — a national success story and a testament to the vital role of conservation laws.

Sadly, right now, a stealth attack is being made on many of our nation’s most important wildlife conservation laws, including the Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, and Clean Air Act.

The federal budget bill that Congress is expected to vote on THIS WEEK would advance the agenda of our country’s biggest polluters at the expense of wildlife, and the clean air and water on which we all depend.

Please speak up for wildlife TODAY by editing and sending the message below, urging Congress and President Obama to stop this stealth attack on our nation’s bedrock conservation laws.

President Barack Obama
Senator Roy D. Blunt
Senator Claire McCaskill
Representative Billy Long

Do you read my mail?


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