Dear CDU, CSU, FDP, Greens, The Left, SPD, please support real Family Unification in Practice
TO: All Political Parties Represented in the German Bundestag 2009-1010
SUBJECT: Need for the BundesInnenministerium and Foreign Affairs Office to Develop newer and better questionnaires and monetary calculations to use when deciding whether a spouse earns enough or receives enough money to take care of my family in Germany. In my case, though today, nearly 55- or 60,000 Euros is not enough for family unification—and I don’t even have any children, just a wife. This forced separation from Spouse as is the case to date appears to be a national eugenics experiment.
Dear CDU, CSU, FDP, Greens, The Left, SPD, et. al. represented in the parliament.
I am a tax payer in Germany and I have had to suffer a forced seperation from my wife for nearly a year due to the fact that the criteria officially sanctioned by the Bundesinnenministerium is fairly incomplete and verging on ractist and nationalist in its blindsided application.
I contacted Herrn Schaeble's office in late June 2009 about this problem. The Innenministerium then told me to contact the Hessen Bundestag.
By the middle of July 2009, I had already asked the Hessen Bundestag in a Petition to check into the wanting-methodology which had led the Wiesbaden Integrationsamt to deny my wife entry into Germany on the 23rd of June 2009--despite the fact that I earn over 30,000 euros per year and receive an annual inheritance in 2009 from my father of 15- to 25 thousand dollars. (With the denial for my wife to enter Germany, I had been told by the Wiesbaden Integeration Office that I earned 148 Euros too little per month.)
I have since researched the matter and have found the fact that neither I ((USA) nor my wife (Philippines) have been handled fairly or equally through the fairly incomplete Visa and Auslaenderbehoerder application processes we have faced thus far in 2009.
I have also discovered that even UK and Canadian residents with Asian wives have faced similar discriminations since at least 2006--leading to many fleeing to Canada to start over.
In short, it is Bundesinnenministerium numbers-racket (with fixed winners and losers) when it comes to considering what is adequate for a spouse to take care of a family in Germany. Because the numbers are skewed and in some ways so terribly arbitrary that the process appears to be racist and xenophobicin many case.
Here are a few articles that I have written on the matter since spring 2009 on this topic:
Recently a lawyer at Caritas said to my sachverarbeiter that this whole issue has to do with bad policy from Berlin and the Innenministerium--as well as bad foreign policy as practiced out of certain German Embassies around the globe.
This is why I am writing the Bundestag and all its parties to force a house cleaning and a new calculus of what is needed for reunion of families in Germany. This current smells of simple eugenics.
Kevin Anthony Stoda
Oranienstr. 62
p.s. If anyone wishes to write in support of a big reform in the out-of control situation with numbers and facts at the Bundesinnenministry which adversely affect integration in Germany, make contact here in Berlin at this website..
SUBJECT: Need for the BundesInnenministerium and Foreign Affairs Office to Develop newer and better questionnaires and monetary calculations to use when deciding whether a spouse earns enough or receives enough money to take care of my family in Germany. In my case, though today, nearly 55- or 60,000 Euros is not enough for family unification—and I don’t even have any children, just a wife. This forced separation from Spouse as is the case to date appears to be a national eugenics experiment.
Dear CDU, CSU, FDP, Greens, The Left, SPD, et. al. represented in the parliament.
I am a tax payer in Germany and I have had to suffer a forced seperation from my wife for nearly a year due to the fact that the criteria officially sanctioned by the Bundesinnenministerium is fairly incomplete and verging on ractist and nationalist in its blindsided application.
I contacted Herrn Schaeble's office in late June 2009 about this problem. The Innenministerium then told me to contact the Hessen Bundestag.
By the middle of July 2009, I had already asked the Hessen Bundestag in a Petition to check into the wanting-methodology which had led the Wiesbaden Integrationsamt to deny my wife entry into Germany on the 23rd of June 2009--despite the fact that I earn over 30,000 euros per year and receive an annual inheritance in 2009 from my father of 15- to 25 thousand dollars. (With the denial for my wife to enter Germany, I had been told by the Wiesbaden Integeration Office that I earned 148 Euros too little per month.)
I have since researched the matter and have found the fact that neither I ((USA) nor my wife (Philippines) have been handled fairly or equally through the fairly incomplete Visa and Auslaenderbehoerder application processes we have faced thus far in 2009.
I have also discovered that even UK and Canadian residents with Asian wives have faced similar discriminations since at least 2006--leading to many fleeing to Canada to start over.
In short, it is Bundesinnenministerium numbers-racket (with fixed winners and losers) when it comes to considering what is adequate for a spouse to take care of a family in Germany. Because the numbers are skewed and in some ways so terribly arbitrary that the process appears to be racist and xenophobicin many case.
Here are a few articles that I have written on the matter since spring 2009 on this topic:
Recently a lawyer at Caritas said to my sachverarbeiter that this whole issue has to do with bad policy from Berlin and the Innenministerium--as well as bad foreign policy as practiced out of certain German Embassies around the globe.
This is why I am writing the Bundestag and all its parties to force a house cleaning and a new calculus of what is needed for reunion of families in Germany. This current smells of simple eugenics.
Kevin Anthony Stoda
Oranienstr. 62
p.s. If anyone wishes to write in support of a big reform in the out-of control situation with numbers and facts at the Bundesinnenministry which adversely affect integration in Germany, make contact here in Berlin at this website..
Here is a quote from an article about the need for the new CDU-CSU/FDP government in Berlin to relook at many of the integration and anti-multicultral laws in Germany. The article is called
""Super, dass du für Deutschland spielst"
and it ends as follows
"Die Integration macht Fortschritte – man muss sie nur sehen wollen
--Zehn Jahre sind eine lange Zeit in einem Einwanderungsland. Seit dem ersten Versuch 1999, die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft einzuführen, hat sich viel getan. Die Deutschen sehen ihr Land als eines der lebenswertesten in der Welt an, die Wiedervereinigung ist fast verdaut, und spätestens seit der Fußball-WM schwenken wir deutsche Fahnen ohne schlechtes Gewissen. Die deutsche Identität hat sich konsolidiert. Sie ist reif, um andere Formen von Identität anzuerkennen, ja gelassen mit ihnen umzugehen. Und auch die Integration macht messbar Fortschritte. Man muss sie nur sehen wollen. Die Migranten-Milieu-Studie des Sinus-Instituts, das mehr als 2000 Türken zu ihren Auffassungen befragt hat, zeigt es: Nahezu unbemerkt hat sich eine türkischstämmige Mittel- und Oberschicht etabliert, deren Angehörige gern in Deutschland leben (73 Prozent), sich stark mit Deutschland verbunden fühlen (75 Prozent) und davon überzeugt sind, dass man als Zuwanderer unbedingt die deutsche Sprache beherrschen muss (84 Prozent). Sie vertrauen dem Staat, seinen Gesetzen und Institutionen mehr als die hier geborene Bevölkerung. Warum fangen wir nicht an, die Vorbildfunktion der Firmengründer, Mandatsträger und Abiturienten zu würdigen und für die Unterschicht herauszustellen? Klar: Arbeitslosigkeit, Importbräute, Zwangsheirat, Gewalt in der Familie und Bildungsferne bestimmter Gruppen sind reale Probleme und müssen gelöst werden. Aber es sind nicht allein die Probleme von Zuwanderern. Es sind deutsche Probleme, weil auch die Zuwanderer Deutsche sind. Wer dagegen den Doppelpass als Hürde für echte Integration darstellt, zementiert ein Bild von Deutschland, das von der Wirklichkeit überholt ist.
Nach bisheriger Überzeugung der Union soll die Optionspflicht Identität stiften und Loyalitäten klären. Man zwinge schließlich niemanden dazu, so Innenminister Wolfgang Schäuble, Deutscher zu werden. Auch ohne deutschen Pass könne man mit allen Rechten und Pflichten in Deutschland leben – abgesehen von politischer Teilhabe allerdings. Doch ist das nur eine Kleinigkeit? Und ist es in einer globalisierten Welt denn so undenkbar, dass es Menschen gibt, die neue Identitäten entwickeln – und doppelte Loyalitäten? Was etwa Türken abverlangt wird, bleibt EU-Bürgern erspart. Bereits heute erfolgt etwa jede zweite Einbürgerung in Deutschland unter Beibehaltung der früheren Staatsangehörigkeit: Italiener, Franzosen oder Dänen dürfen ihre Verbindung zur alten Heimat offiziell weiter bekunden."
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