Friday, June 17, 2011

One Trillion Dollars already Spent on the War-On-Drugs over 4 decades…We have to stop wasting money and time

One Trillion Dollars already Spent on the War-On-Drugs over 4 decades…We have to stop wasting money and time

WOW!!! One Trillion Dollars already Spent on the War-On-Drugs over 4 decades…We have to stop wasting money and time. We need better policies, laws, education and less wasted money. Ditto.Kas

Dear Kevin,

Three days from now will mark the 40th anniversary of the war on drugs. What do we have to show for it?

* Over $1 trillion wasted
* Countless lives ruined
* Over 800,000 people arrested each year – for marijuana alone

And most recently, the Obama Administration launched a slew of unexpected raids and letters threatening state employees, jeopardizing medical marijuana programs across the country.

We know, though, that through targeted, persistent outreach we can make progress in Congress and change minds around the world. That’s why we need your help to raise $8,000 by June 17th. Donate today and help end the war on drugs.

Despite the government’s commitment to a failed drug policy, the American public knows that the war on drugs isn’t working. And it’s not just Americans who “get it” – earlier this month the Global Commission on Drug Policy – whose members include former presidents and other people of distinction – made headlines around the world with their call for major drug law reform, including experiments in legalization.

And Congress is finally catching on, too. Through our hard work with legislators, we assisted in getting three new bills introduced in Congress last month to protect medical marijuana programs and patients!

Next, we’ll be working with members of Congress to introduce groundbreaking legislation to legalize marijuana nationwide.

But we can’t do it without your support. Help us ramp up our efforts to end the war on drugs by making a gift today.

Our goal is simple. We’re committed to promoting policies based on health, compassion and human rights. For too long, pro-drug war forces have pushed their unscientific claims as though they were facts. It’s our mission to reveal their misleading rhetoric for what it is.

Help the Drug Policy Alliance reach our goal of raising $8,000 by midnight, June 17th to continue our crucial work. Make your secure, tax-deductible gift today.

Thank you again for your support. None of the tremendous progress we’re seeing right now would have been possible without you.


Ethan Nadelmann
Executive Director
Drug Policy Alliance



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