Friday, May 20, 2011

Millions of Americans live one bad diagnosis, one pink slip, one interest rate reset away from complete financial collapse


“Millions of Americans live one bad diagnosis, one pink slip, one interest rate reset away from complete financial collapse.”

This statement by Elizabeth Warren, Special Advisor to the President on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart this week hits close to home for the One Away campaign. [CLICK ON THE LINK.)

Warren was on The Daily Show to talk about CFPB’s vision to develop “simple solutions” to address the current broken financial services market and help middle-income American families survive and prosper. In the interview, Warren outlined several goals that One Away shares.

Like the CFPB, One Away is focused on helping older adults who are one bad break, one medical problem, or one lost job away from economic disaster.

Like CFPB, One Away is about integrating common-sense solutions to help people in need—such as repairing fragmented financial systems, coordinating existing resources, and simplifying requirements for assistance.

And like Warren stated, we believe that “we can do better”—that we can fix what’s broken to help low-income older adults not only survive—but prosper


[1] The message ABOVE IS from the National Council on Aging has been sent to you via Mother Jones.

Myth: Most older adults have their retirement paid off.

Fact: 1 in 3 seniors lives in or on the edge of poverty.

More than 13 million older Americans struggle every day just to pay for food, medicine, and a place to live. They live one health problem, one layoff, one rent increase away from complete financial crisis. Our elders deserve better. Let's not let them struggle in silence.

Help us get the word out. Join the One Away campaign.

We're collecting stories of economic struggle, so we can tell Congress that we have a moral imperative to help all older Americans live with dignity and economic security. Join our effort—share a story, discuss solutions, or send a letter to your representatives on

See what people are saying.

We already have people talking. Elizabeth Warren, Special Advisor to the President on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, recently told The Daily Show with Jon Stewart how “millions of Americans live one bad diagnosis, one pink slip, one interest rate reset away from complete financial collapse.” And MSN Money just wrote an article about One Away and "strapped seniors trying to hang on."

Help us do better for seniors in need.
Join One Away.

1901 L Street, NW, 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20036 202.479.1200

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