Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here is the segmenmt on Rachel Maddow’s Show on the infidelity to America of US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

Here is the segmenmt on Rachel Maddow’s Show on the infidelity to America of US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Dear Kevin,

The statements coming out of the Supreme Court about Justice Clarence Thomas’ involvement with Koch Industries just don’t add up — and as Rachel Maddow said on her show last night, “it’s kind of a big deal.”

New Common Cause research found that Justice Thomas enjoyed a four-day, all-expense-paid trip in 2008 to Palm Springs, courtesy of the Federalist Society, where Koch Industries was holding one of its secretive political strategy meetings. But a Supreme Court spokesperson said that his involvement was limited to a “brief drop-by” at the gathering.

If that is the case, then his expenses should have been reported as a gift. They weren’t.

This is just the latest in a series of revelations that raise troubling questions about Justice Thomas’ potential bias in the Citizens United case, which opened the door for corporations like Koch Industries to spend unlimited funds to influence elections.

We have a right to open, honest and accountable government — and that includes the justices who serve on the Supreme Court.

We need a full accounting of Justice Thomas’ involvement with Koch Industries, the second largest privately held company in the U.S., and a major player in political campaigns and in the Tea Party. Reports indicate that the Koch brothers have spent millions to influence elections, and regularly host secret strategy sessions with corporate leaders and political activists.

If Justice Thomas played a larger role than the Court has acknowledged in the Koch Industries political events, it calls into question whether he should have recused himself from ruling in the Citizens United case. And if he did just “drop by” the event, then the bulk of the “reimbursement” that he received from the Federalist Society for his travel, lodging and meals on the four-day trip should have been reported as a gift.

In either case, we need to know the truth.

Stand with Common Cause in calling for more openness and transparency on the Supreme Court.

Thanks for all you do.


Bob Edgar
and the rest of the team at Common Cause

P.S. I will be appearing on The Rachel Maddow Show tonight to talk about this issue. I hope you’ll watch the segment that she did last night about Justice Thomas’ possible conflict of interest and tune in tonight! Her program airs on MSNBC at 9pm ET/PT.



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