Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Translation of a work of mine on Adult ADD

Steven G. Erickson
English Translation, minus bottom links:

When I came to Germany I noticed that too few of the adult ADD was recognized in the society. Sollche Entwinklungen astonished me, because so many German who had emigrated to America, showed tendencies to the ADD adult. Luckily here are some very good sources of information about adults and ADD. I show you a quote and then the link


GERMANY: attention deficit disorder & ADULTS

By Kevin Stoda, from America, but at the moment to Wiesbaden ausgewanderet

When I came to Germany I noticed that too few of the adult ADD was recognized in the society. Sollche Entwinklungen astonished me, because so many German who had emigrated to America, showed tendencies to the ADD adult.

Luckily here are some very good sources of information about adults and ADD. I show you a quote and then the link:

"... In America, people have hyper-has always had great appeal. Finally, we are members of the New World, and the sheer strength and the courage of our immigrant ancestors who needed to break down and across entire continents, are properties that we cherish: features not dissimilar to the high voltage, the slightly manic behavior that we know as part of the attention deficit disorder (ADD) .... We may have to be sure that these vessels have been accompanying the more than a few hyperactive adventurers. Meanwhile the main features of attention deficit disorder has become familiar to many: ADD is thought to be a flaw in the attentional system, which makes it difficult for a child or adult, attentive to his command. On command here is the crucial expression, because a child with ADD can be hyper at certain times and will be doing it: it can be bogged down in a theme or an activity (eg on a video game), and unable to break away from it. "


Insight and information

1 Make sure that the correct diagnosis. Make sure that you work with an expert who really understands ADD and has excluded related or similar illnesses.

2 Inform yourself. When ADD is perhaps the most effective treatment step is to understand the first of ADD once. Read books about it. Talk to experts. Talk to other ADDL.

3 Find yourself a coach. It is good for you to have a coach, someone in your area to look after you, but always with humor. Your trainer can help you organize yourself and stay on task, he can encourage you and remind you that you need to back your work. A friend, a colleague or a therapist (it is possible, but also risky, that your life partner / your partner takes the role of the coach). A trainer can be useful in the treatment ADD tremendously useful.

4 Be on encouragement. ADDL need much encouragement. This is partly due to the many self-doubts that have accumulated over the years. That's not all. ADDL more than other people to flourish, if we make them courage, and then worry if it does not happen. They often work for other people how they would do it for themselves before. One should recognize that and take advantage.

5 Remind yourself that ADD is not as Dispute with the mother, an unconscious fear of success, a passive-aggressive personality. ADDL can of course things have above, but it is important to distinguish ADD from such problems, because they must be treated quite differently.

6 Inform others and they refer you. So centrally important it is for you to understand ADD, so important, if not more important, this understanding is for the people in your area. Once you know what it is, one will understand you better and help you to achieve your goals.

7 you listening to, because of your tendency to chase high-grade stimulation of having feelings of guilt. Do you realize that you are attracted to intense stimuli. Strive to make a wise choice, rather than be taken because of "bad" in self-reproach to.

8 Pay attention to feedback from trusted people. Adults (and children with ADD) are notoriously poor self-observers. They work a lot with something that may look like self-denial.

9, you should consider joining a support group or to establish itself a. Many of the most useful information about ADD has not yet found their way into books, but stuck in the minds of the Addl. The group also provides the support that is so badly needed.

10 you attempt to store the negativism that has probably plagued you all the time, as you did not know that what you have is ADD.

11 You do not feel obligated to traditional forms of career-making or life planning. Allow yourself to be yourself. Enter the attempt to be, become who you should be your opinion, has always been and get in the way you are.

12 you do not forget that what you have is a neurological disease. It is biologically determined by the "wiring" of your brain. It is not willensabhängige disease, not a moral weakness and not a form of neurosis. It is not caused by weakness of character or lack of maturity. It can not be cured by will power, punishment, denial or suffering.

13 They are trying to help others to ADDL. They are here to learn a lot about the disease and feel good about the bargain.


Table 2: Proposed criteria for the
Diagnosis of ADD in adults, according to Hallowell & Ratey

A. A chronic disorder in which at least twelve of the following
Symptoms present:

01. A sense of failure:
the feeling never set ourselves targets to
(this is regardless of how much one has actually achieved).
02. Problems with the organization of everyday life.
03. Chronic long-on-the-bank-pushing tasks
or make trouble started.
04. There are many projects running simultaneously, it is difficult to go through one thing.
05. The tendency to express, what amounts to a just in the sense
without considering whether the right time or the right
Elected an opportunity for his remark.
06. Frequently hunt for a high degree of stimulation.
07. Lack of tolerance for boredom.
08. Distractibility; problems m. Attention focus;
the tendency, in the middle of reading a page or the middle of a
Call off, all this not seldom associated with the
Ability to temporary hyper.
09. Frequent evidence of creativity, intuition, high intelligence.
10. Difficulties in procedures and comply with "due process" approach.
11. Impatience, low frustration tolerance.
12. Impulsive in speech and in action;
Examples: impulsive spending, changing plans, testing of new strategies,
Case, deciding on new professional goals and the like. Choleric temperament.
13. The tendency to constantly worry about unnecessary;
the slope, keeping a watchful eye on the lookout for opportunities to be of concern,
alternating with blindness or indifference to the real danger.
14. Internal insecurity.
15. Mood swings, mood lability, especially if not current with
a person or a project is concerned.
16. Motor or internal unrest.
17. Tendency toward addictive behavior.
18. Chronically battered self-esteem.
19. Inaccurate self-assessment.
20. Familial clustering of cases of ADD, bipolar disorder, depression,
Addictions, problems with impulse control or mood.

As the presence of ADD in childhood. (She was not, perhaps, in any form
diagnosed, but may be observed in history that the signs and
At the time, symptoms were present.)

C. This finding can be explained by any other organic or
Not explain psychiatric illness.

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