Friday, July 10, 2009

Dear Congressmen Blunt, Well, I have had to live outside the USA most of my adult life due to bad health care for single adult males in the USA.

Dear Congressmen Blunt,

Well, I have had to live outside the USA most of my adult life due to bad health care for single adult males in the USA. Germany's system is alot like the one you are talking about. Check it out. It has lots of problems, too.

I recommend medicaid for all as common standard and then you can reform the system from there.

Kevin Stoda

July 10, 2009

Mr. Kevin Stoda
902 Pennel
Carl Junction, MO 64834

Dear Kevin:

Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts regarding health care reform. I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.

As the chairman of the House Republican Health Care Solutions Group, I am actively working with my colleagues to come up with new, innovative ideas to reform our health care system. We need to expand access to health care and lower costs to make it more affordable. America deserves a health care system with a variety of quality choices, as opposed to government-rationed care. Choices should be made by the American people in consultation with the doctors they trust, not by big government.

There is a big difference between a government-run plan and a government-organized plan. When the government is allowed to compete with private plans, it soon crowds out the competition. Instead, we should look to programs such as Medicare Part D as an example of the government playing an effective role as an organizer, not a competitor.

For the reasons outlined above, I am committed to market-based solutions for the health care system that promote competition and innovation. I appreciate your thoughts and will keep them in mind as the working group moves forward. Again, thank you for contacting me. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Sincere regards,

Roy Blunt
Member of Congress




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