Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The renewal of Blackwater's contract is not only one other act showing a lack of understanding of security and justice on the American side, but it is


By Kevin A. Stoda, Kuwait

The renewal of Blackwater's contract is not only one other act showing a lack of understanding of security and justice on the American side, but it is threatening immediately the safety for Americans working anywhere in the Gulf or outside the USA.

In short, the U.S. state departments inadequate response to justice and security issues makes the nearly 35 million Americans living and working abroad targets.
Yesterday’s headline at the top of the ARAB TIMES (7 April 2008), i.e. the day the news of the U.S. State Department’s renewal of Blackwater in Iraq, was in red large letters and stated clearly "Terrorists may target Americans in Kuwait."

The article in no way quoted any information on Blackwater, one of America’s larger mercenary contract firms.

However, as no other part of that Newspaper mentioned Blackwater on that date one is asked to read between the lines—as most of that multi-column lengthy article was written by someone at the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the only sustained attack on the renewal of the criminally culpable and negligent Blackwater Company came from Democracy Now;


In that piece, Jeremy Scahill’s speeches in front of the Vice President of Blackwater, Martin Strong demonstrated the character of the company and how it—i.e. like the Bush administration which has made Blackwater investors and operators wealthy—Blackwater has operated without impunity.

Jeremy Scahill stated, “ I find it very telling that nowhere on this panel do we hear a voice talking about the Iraqi victims of these companies. I find it very interesting—the way that Mr. Strong and Mr. [Doug] Brooks talk about this, we could be at a banking convention. The reality is that Blackwater has killed innocent civilians in Iraq. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, Mr. Strong, but the first victims in Nisour Square that day were a twenty-year-old medical student and his mother, not al-Qaeda operatives, not Iraqi insurgents. A nine-year-old boy named Ali was shot in the skull; his brains splattered in his [father’s] hands. Your operatives were on the scene that day. They opened fire on these individuals.”

Meanwhile, “Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said the the US State Department had renewed the contract of private security company Blackwater USA without the approval of the Baghdad government.”


Blackwater has been involved in many escapades of bad behavior through charges made by U.S. military personnel and other U.S. military investigators.

The most notorious Blackwater attack was when 17 civilians were killed and the U.S. military investigators could find no evidence of any weapons of bullets on the scene.
The U.S. Occupation forces demanded the government of Iraq provide a law to protect with impunity such mercenary operators as Black Water in Iraq with immunity starting in 2004.


Although no one in his right mind can approve of torture, my government in the USA does.

Although no one in her right mind can condone nor allow 45% of the U.S national budget to be indefinitely spent on war, past wars and war supplies, my nation’s leaders do.

Although no one in their right minds would ever give carte blanch to anyone to shoot non-combatants anywhere in the world, my state department in the USA does.

Although the U.S. justice department has enough evidence provided by the U.S. military to prosecute Blackwater in court, it does not.

Why not?

The only reason given by the justice system and state department in the USA (i.e. which was once one of the better run countries on planet Earth) is that there is a “ need to protect staff in Iraq”.

This is the only as “justification for renewing a contract with private security firm Blackwater USA without prior Iraqi government approval.”


How can this nonsense be?

The U.S. has had several years either to get new contractors or to assign appropriate U.S. military personnel to take over Blackwater’s contracts in Iraq!!!!

This has got to be the worst government decision in recent U.S. history—that is since the U.S invaded Iraq (2003) and began torturing people (2001) despite opposition to doing so across the entire military and humanitarian spectrum.


America must impeach such an incompetent administration NOW and take any of the state department, national security advisors, and government hacks—and congressmen—to court within a year or ELSE.

Or, else 35 million-plus Americans will not likely ever feel safer working abroad—and as the U.S. economy worsens 1000s of more are leaving the USA each month.

Or, else our American kids will never know what it is like to clean house in Washington D. C. as their forefathers in the 1930s and their forefathers in the 1970s managed to do—i.e. like NOW, when the country needed it.

Blackwater is a symbol of the worst aspects of American government policy today in this 21st Century—whether we are looking at the justice department or state department or homegrown security and environmental branches of governance and maleficent activities.

We need to rebuild America and we can’t leave a trillion or more dollars committed to an Iraqi occupation each 2 or three years till ETERNITY.

We can’t let a company like Blackwater roam with impunity around the globe or the USA either.

This is common sense America. Wake up and ship these folks out of office this April 2008—start cooking now, not in November, get the pots boiling!



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