Wednesday, January 02, 2008



By Kevin A. Stoda

I am running for President of the United States on behalf of the Republican Party on January 3, 2008. Please vote for me or for my ideas.

First of all, I am a history teacher and lifelong educator with a good memory about the misguided history and economic malfeasance our nation has been enduring under the self-centered politics of BIG MONEY over these recent decades under shock doctrine theory, under neo-liberal theory, and under neo-conservative theory.

This is why I AM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT WITHOUT ASKING YOU FOR A DIME! Forget the money. Just vote for the most important thing: Take America off its spiral into mediocrity under the status quo in 2008

Isn’t that RADICAL in this day and age? Sure, it is. That’s why I am running on the internet!


On January 1, 1863 the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect officially—if not in fact—freeing people of color from Slavery in the United States. That was 145 years ago and its set a precedent. Let’s start getting freed from bad facets of capitalism and other misguided economic slavery immediately.
That is, according to the national Archives and Records Administration, “Although the Emancipation Proclamation did not immediately free a single slave, it fundamentally transformed the character of the war. After January 1, 1863, every advance of federal troops expanded the domain of freedom. Moreover, the Proclamation announced the acceptance of black men into the Union Army and Navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators. By the end of the war, almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for the Union and freedom.”

LET’S transform the character of the politics in Washington making war on Americans today!

My first step as president would be to create an executive order restraining bad economic development related to the massive numbers of foreclosures on houses throughout the country as we are witnessing today! I would stop the foreclosures immediately ( I would even allow a case by case recovery of homes or remuneration thereof for those who lost their homes already since or before June 2007.)

My second step would be to demand the passage of universal health care. If Congress didn’t act within 100 days, I would write an executive order setting up such a system, including facets focusing on curbing medicine costs and providing some sort of capping for treatment costs.

My third step would be to demand the creation of a better set of universal insurances on and for houses and companies which would protect homes and small businesses from being lost when people are ill or out-of-work for no thought of their own but a badly run economy. (My brother lost his home in recent years due to combination of college debts and fluxuating interest rates on housing.)

Fourth, I would demand and implement a change in the payment system for higher education so that Americans were paying once again the same percentage of their salaries towards education and higher education in 2010 as did their grandparents five or six decades ago. The government must see this investment in education as more important than most any other national investment, i.e. providing for both ours and our children’s futures.

Finally, I would meet with military personnel and ask what could be done to have a securer world in 2010, 2020, 2030, etc. I would say we need to cut the budget on war over the next few years drastically and ask them how this could be done.

Meanwhile, I am considering other steps—such as making the HOMELAND SECURITY division much more efficient and more representative of actuall on the ground needs.
I believe in long-term planning and I believe military personnel (as well as other Americans) are tired of the U.S. spending such a large part of their taxes on past wars, ongoing wars, and future wars.

An ounce of prevention should not always cost the same as an ounce of gold.

There are many career officers and servicemen who know that a powerful America in 2020 has to be economically sound. They will have suggestions related to policy on how to shave defense and budget costs. Let’s avoid the quagmires and get out of our present messes as fast as possible.


It is time that American voters stand up against the enslavement of all blacks, white, reds, yellows, pinks, greens, browns etc.—in the military or out of the military—HOMEOWNERS OR NOT!!!

Naturally, a lot of minority neighborhoods are especially suffering due to the lengthy war in Iraq and the soaking up of funds from community development in the name of the MYTHICAL GOD OF NATIONAL SECURITY!!!

This is where a better focus on spending on educational training, on greater alternative energy infrastructure, and on better planned urban, suburban and rural landscape maintenance will make a safer and cleaner world for all.

Minorities and others in Midwestern U.S.A. need to see a new emancipation from these shock doctrine economics that other Republicans and Democrats have force-fed upon us over the last four decades—i.e. without providing real protection to many capable farmers, small businessmen, medium-sized businesses, university students (& potential students) , and homeowners—e.g.. by failing to provide proper incentives and infrastructure in timely regions across the U.S.A.

How many good industries—like the steel industry—has America lost out on by bad usage of other resources?

Likewise, how much time has America already wasted in the War on Reducing Climate Changes’ negative effects by ignoring high quality research from our education system that long ago pointed the way to solutions in the wind and solar energy sector.
This January 2008 set a new course in history by electing a leader who will no longer ignore minorities and will actually assist Americans in all corners of the land—not just the guys on WALL STREET or a few petroleum companies--or Pentagon’s buddies.

Demand a government that doesn’t prefer bailing out banks (and misguided investors) over bailing out solid American citizens who have served in the armed forces, lost their jobs, and/or have lost their homes—due to combined college debt, personal debt and homeowner debt..

If banks or lenders are to be bailed out NOW force them by law to learn to compete against credit unions and other local banks across the country who are actually concerned with real local development and in the interest of all—not just ensure the creation of large national banks or bad national lenders of any sort.

Farmers and home owners must be bailed out, but so do other sectors of the land and infrastructure of America—including creating a high speed trainsystem between Midwestern Airports and cities.

Moreover, the energy sector needs to go off a diet of fossil fuels big time. The people of Iowa can start the demand today. SHAKE THE NATION!

Demand progressive action and a more progressive or more efficient tax system so more corporate users pay MORE FULLY!



Emancipation Proclamation,



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