Friday, December 14, 2007

Dear Christians and American Supporters of Founding Fathers: “Here is Why Bush and Cheney should Resign Now—and why Pelosi should resign from leading

Dear Christians and American Supporters of Founding Fathers: “Here is Why Bush and Cheney should Resign Now—and why Pelosi should resign from leading the Democratic Party immediately”

Dear Christians and American Supporters of the Founding Fathers,

The following biblical, religious & sociological discussion clarifies why Bush and Cheney should resign now—and why Pelosi should now resign from leading the Democratic Party of America!

As an American historian and an educator of nearly 24 years, I have been appalled at the recent news of the destruction of CIA tapes related to torture investigations being carried out currently in Washington, D.C.

Moreover, I have been almost equally upset at the refusal of Democrats, such as Nancy Pelosi and John Rockefeller IV, to prosecute an impeachment against either the vice president or president over the past 12 months, especially after it has become clear that these same aged Democratic leaders had begun implicating themselves, too, in crimes against humanity nearly 5 years ago.

(I am already going out of my way to encourage Kansans to get my Republican home state senator, Pat Roberts, replaced in 2008 for the same negligence. By the way, this lack of good national security oversight is all described in Michael Cleavers article: )

Therefore, I now feel it is more important-than-ever to address [1] concerns of millions of good Christians, Jews and Muslims in the USA and the [2] concerns of other Americans at the fact that neither Vice-President Richard Cheney nor George W. Bush have yet taken time to submit their resignations to Congress as did Spiro Agnew and Richard Nixon approximately 35 years ago.

These (a) resignations of the executive branch administration and (b) the letters of resignations of congresspersons, like Pelosi. Roberts, and Rockefeller-- need to be handed in now, i.e. before 2008 rolls around.

Otherwise the currently all-time low-polling-ratings of both the U.S. Congress and the Executive Branch will likely reach the single digits before the end of the coming year.


This week at church my minister spoke on the theme of “Our Relationship to God as Child to Parent.” This is an important piece of imagery to focus on as we all have come well to understand in the midst of various recent cultural wars that the Ibrahamic Faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam now represent the majority percentage of ALL PEOPLES currently living on this fragile planet Earth.

We need more than ever to find COMMON GROUND—and I believe we can find it in terms of calling on the resignations of some of our countries greatest sinners

This means that American politics—as part of a Western Judeo-Islamic-Christian world view--sets an extremely important standard for consensus and concerning consensual behavior around the globe.

Particularly, the Christian faith focuses on a father-to-child relationship (or image), i.e., especially when discussing a Christian’s relationship to that entity or being (or “I-am”) referred to often in prayer as “God, the Father” or “God, Our Father”.

Moreover, practitioners of Christianity, Judaism and Islam also see themselves as beacons on the hill before God. This is understood to be the case with the one caveate that the human being is actually attempting to live out their faiths in a seriously manner on a daily basis. In such as situation, they are expected to shine for others—as reflections of the Light. (The image of “the Light” is further discussed below.)

According to Olaf Du Pont, author of “But we’re American… the Presence of American Exceptionalism in the Speeches of George W. Bush” & a researcher of language and concepts of image, President George W. Bush is particularly fond of citing the somewhat amorphous image of fathers, especially “founding fathers” in his speeches.

Similarly, staunch American apologists and their pro-fundamentalist American iconologists speak very highly & reverentially of the Founding Father Generation of America’s Constitution (1787 to 1800) as well as the era of the War of Independence( 1770 to 1786).

This is reflected in sort of secular faith, now predominant in America for 2 centuries or more

Finally, many Americans, in fact, concurrently worship or respect both (1) image of God as Father and the (2) images of the framers of the constitution as Founding Fathers of a Nation—i.e. a Nation called to be a “beacon on the hill” for other states.


Many parts of the Bible focus on right living. The focus is never on living a mediocre life or on settings low goals for oneself, one’s family, one’s peoples or one’s nation.

A similar perspective would certainly guilt for a so-called Christian environment within the United States of America or within a so-called Christian Europe in the 21st Century.
It is this concerns for the failure of a society to promote good living, i.e. high standards of living out a good and wise life, that have led American Christian groups and coalitions to become fairly active politically in recent years.

For example, many Christian parents think it “just plain wrong to allow explicit sex on TV, cable, satellite and internet so that their children and other children in the nation can have easy access to it”. These Christian parents (and Islamic or Jewish parents) are concerned with raising their kids to live out life in what they belive is reflective of their heritages view on living out a wise and good life.

This is why so many have become actively campaigning against what they consider bad parenting across the U.S. However, this “bad parenting” orientation sadly mislabeled simply as “liberal” or “humanist”. This leads to abuses politically whereby, rather than keeping the issue focused on ideas of good local- and national parenting of young minds, political manipulators end up leading the Christian activists into the realm of cultural wars.

In short, the large and powerful political and media-savvy religious leaders can sa sort out internal dissensions among concerned progressive Christians by dividing and conquering progressive Christian leadership around the USA.

I John 1:1-15 in the Bible is a famous passage from about 1900 years ago. In it the author, the last remaining apostle of Jesus Christ, attacks similar sorts of bad thinking and the lack of good living in his own (Apostle John’s) day. In other words, the problem of bad thinking & bad living predate our modern age by millennia.

John, an aging man by this time, noted that many Christian peoples were too unconcerned about wise living.

These Christian peoples felt that that after being saved (or baptized) by their Lord, they could simply go ahead and sin—knowing or believing that in the end they are to be saved by “grace’.

By the way, “Grace” is not nearly such a strong focus in either Islam nor Judaism as it is in Christianity. Nevertheless, these other Ibrahamic faiths do consistently focus on right- and wise living from differing but related perspectives.

In John 1:1-15, the author, Apostle John, focuses on “wise living and walking in the Light”.

By “the Light”, John is referring to “God, the Father”.

Elsewhere, God is also equated to love, i.e. “God is Love.”

These foci of John and the New Testament also include the main point that men refrain any longer from walk in “Darkness”. John indicates that if one is not in the Light, one is in Darkness. Throughout both the older and newer books in the Bible, Christians are told to repent and turn away from unwise living. This “unright living” is known as “sin”.

Moreover, this particular book of I John in the Bible states fairly directly that “if we claim not to be sinners, we are calling God a liar.” (If we call god a liar by our thoughts or acts, how can we say we are his children and love him and respect him in a parent-child relationship over time.)

In short, only a confused religious person—i.e. who still needs to confess their sin and repent--would claim to not be a sinner. Only such an arrogant so-called Christian would refuse to repent. Such a person would never be allowed in the Kingdom.

Nor would such a sinner be allowed very long to run a nation—especially as unlike the famous King David, he or she failed to show contrition remorse or a changed heart.

Now, I return to the topic of why Cheney, Bush and Pelosi need to resign immediately. Their lack of change of heart on torture and other crimes against the great American project set up by our forefathers demands they fall on their swords and let the people of faith move on.


I have written elsewhere of the number of confused Christians there are who have blindly supported torture because misguided and manipulative leaders have invited them to join them in their sin and short-sightedness.

At the junction in history, America needs wise leadership and people committed to reflection, repentance and reorientation. We are not getting it currently in Washington. Either Washington’s leadership take the coming Christian, Jewish and Islamic Holidays and recommit themselves TO SIN NO MORE and apologize or WE NEED TO CLEAN HOUSE IN 2008.

The Letter of John is written to a confused group of Christians who had moved away from condemning sin and crimes in place of “living the wise life commanded of THEM” by God, the Father.

Any parent knows, that children will hurt their parents sometime or another, but the stories throughout the Bible—and especially the New Testament—focus on the fact that the Father (the God figure) is willing to forgive if the child (1) confesses his sins or crimes and (2) turns from them.

Without the confession of child there is no forgiveness. Otherwise the child is never set right with the father.

Similarly, American government officials and congressman in their relationship to the image of the FOUNDING FATHERS are asked to confess their crimes publicly and turn from them. If these officials don’t confess and resign, a prosecution needs to be compulsory according to the traditions of a well-thinking secular state

Using this social imagery, from the Founding Father’s perspective, America’s leadership of this decade has neither confessed nor repented.

So, no forgiveness can be forgiven—nor is forgiveness by the American people’s warrented.

Nor can Bush or Cheny be excused arbitrarily for their sins or crimes. These men must stand up and go through the legal processes set up by AMERICA’S FOUNDING FATHERS CENTURIES ago. They must be investigated and given a fair trial.

However, they should still be encouraged as Nixon and Agnew were by their own party-men and others to resign—rather than to prolong the TRAGEDY of the last seven or eight years.

It is often declared that America’s Founding Fathers believed firmly that even in times of war, all these legal processes of investigation and impeachment must be carried out; otherwise justice will not proper --and reconciliation within the society and American federal state system will become more and more impossible.

The lack of reconciliation in America in the 1850s eventually led to Civil War, no one wants that to happen. The founding fathers prefer that the rule of law be enforced, but if it is not the people must overthrow the tyrant.

This is a harsh message from the founding fathers to their offspring, but it is exactly what these FATHERS said in the Declaration of Independence.

It is fairly similar to the Judeo-Islamic-Christian belief that without disciplining of the bad children or the bad behaving tyrant, there will be no good future leaders in the society, i.e. a society of faith will disintegrate without occasional fatherly punishment of sinning children (against the Father).

Without the procedures of either (1) presidential and vice-presidential resignation along with recognition of sin or guilt or (2) a legal impeachment and investigation in America—no peace will be found in America as the Founding Fathers and many religious peoples today are seeking from their leadership in America.

It is almost as though in this 2007 period, the wishes, messages, and warnings of United States of America’s founding fathers are simply being ignored in their graves by their own off-spring.


For the past seven to eight years, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (and their supporters in and out of the executive branch) have been walking in the Dark, i.e. never really confessing, nor repenting from their sins—or high crimes and misdemeanors.

One can easily find hundreds of reasons to carry out such a process of investigation, impeachment and trial in 2008. See just a few examples of Bush and Cheney crimes in these links (and in the NOTES section of this letter.)



I, as a lifelong American Educator and Christian, shout, “Enough is enough!”

Americans, as a secular people who recognize the myth of the founding father’s intent for good governance and good living, need to find their plan being actualized and realized in America NOW or mediocrity is the U.S.’s imminent destiny for the coming ages.


Americans need to ask:

(1) Are we walking in the Light?
(2) Is our government (including Pelosi, Bush, & Cheney) walking in the light?

The answer is “NO” to both queries.

Further, (3) are the leaders of OUR executive branch and OUR congress ready to confess and repent to their errors?

Again, the answer appears to be a resounding “NO”.

Finally, (4) in the immediate future are Congress and Executive Branch leaders willing to once again walk in the light and turn from their ways?

Once again, the answer is a clear “NO” as 2008 prepares to dawn.

This is tragic. This holiday all religious peoples and concerned Americans need to be hearing this hard Christmas Message.

For both followers of America’s secular FOUNDING FATHERS and followers of the Christian faith or other Ibrahimic faiths the direction in the coming weeks ought to be to not only demand that the rule of (1) constitutional, (2) international and (3) other common laws be respected and enforced at the highest levels of government and abuse.

Moreover, as individuals of different faiths and beliefs, we must also recognize that CURRENT status quo is neither biblically sound nor sound TRADITIONAL American practice.

Protests must follow THIS yule tide message

If there is no changed of heart in Washington DC, a great occupation of regional representative- and national government offices should proceed over the coming holiday weeks. This is so that come January 2008 Americans can (a) hold their head up & (b) live out their faiths and ideals—without the continued current shame of American leadership and their irresponsible drift from God and the Founding Fathers. This is why a sin offering is needed in this Holiday Season.

American hearts must demand repentance and the response to sins and crimes must be as harsh as any good father would give his unruly children who do not realize that what they are doing is hurting the parents badly.

This means Christian and American judges must do their duty and demand the arrest of criminals or suspected criminal at all government, especially those in the White House, the CIA, and the Capital currently supporting HIGH CRIMES AND DISMEANORS in the place of common sense and religiously fair & just practices.


There may be a few misguided Christians and/or Republicans who still believe that America is in the midst of a Reaganesque-turn in political fortune for the Grand Old Party, but good Christians/Jews/Muslims need to tell the leadership of this neo-con era to kick the bucket and retire immediately from government.

The ongoing nightmare in terms of good living and good governance in America must end.

Christians are particularly being called on this holiday season as individuals and as groups to restate clearly the case I have lain out above:

NO REPENTENCE from Bush, Cheney and Pelosi should equal IMPEACHMENT or immediate RESIGNATION by January 1, 2008.

I encourage all Christian ministers to GIVE A MESSAGE in church on this topic prior to New Years Eve.

Meanwhile, all American History teachers are also encouraged to speak out in their classroom before Christmas 2007 in support of the FOUNDING FATHER’S RULEBOOK for maintaining good behavior. School teachers everywhere need to call for the prosecution of crimes and misdemeanors to begin this HOLIDAY SEASON!

If American educators and Christians take their responsibility as CHILDREN of the “Our Father” or CHILDREN of the “Founding Fathers” seriously in the next week or so, not only will the most lax officials and law enforcement officials respond, but possibly…from sea-to-shining-sea a real renewal away from America’s mediocre and cynical pathways can begin in 2008!

Let’s not continue to sink to breaking the law, promoting torture, and doing other crimes as national policy any more for the rest of this Century!

Repeat those words as a commitment to turn away from the activities of this horrible decade in American History!

CALL FOR THIS MESSAGE TO BE SHOUTED on every corner and on every mountaintop in America this HOLIDAY SEASON.


Kevin A. Stoda


“The American Experiment of Religious Disestablishmentarianism and Pluralism”,

“Bush’s High Crimes”,

Du Pont Olaf, “But we’re American… the presence of American exceptionalism in the speeches of George W. Bush”,

“Freedom and the Environment”,

“High Crimes and Misdemeanors”

“The High Crimes and Misdemeanors of Bush, Cheney”,

“Impeachment: Why Stop at Bush?”,

Juliano, Nick, “Former Powell Aid Says Bush, Cheney Guilty of High Crimes”,


“Original Zinn”,

Smith, Daniel (Col.), “Reclaiming the City on the Hill”,

Stoda, Kevin, “Dear Republican and Progressive Evangelicals’

Stoda, Kevin, “Continuing to Ponder God”,

Stoda, Kevin, ‘Progressive Evangelical Critiques Thomas’ ‘What’s the Matter with Kansas?’”,

“U.S. Can Do Better than Sinking to Torture”,

“What are Impeachable Offenses?”,



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