Helping Students Improve Their Writing: ESL
Here are a great list of articles on helping students to improve their writings (especially ESL students) .–KAS
We Need To Stress Fundamentals Again In Education
by Richard Brody
When I went to school, the philosophy was to teach the ’3 R’s,’ reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic. Having come into contact many college students and even graduates, I have found that many exhibit poor writing skills. When I have interviewed young people, and requested three paragraphs from them as part of the process, the result has convinced me that today’s educational system has not sufficiently emphasized this aspect. Read More…
We Need To Stress Fundamentals Again In Education
by Richard Brody
When I went to school, the philosophy was to teach the ’3 R’s,’ reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic. Having come into contact many college students and even graduates, I have found that many exhibit poor writing skills. When I have interviewed young people, and requested three paragraphs from them as part of the process, the result has convinced me that today’s educational system has not sufficiently emphasized this aspect. Read More…
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