Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I came across this primer (below) on the concept or “principle of unity in diversity” in society an biology. It is important because the principles of promoting biodiversity have been shredded over recent centuries due to poor education, training, and lack of forward thinking. Educational programs must reverse this. For this very reason, I had written a piece in November on insect education here in Taiwan.


Let’s think these principles through in 2011 and implement them in our campaigns for peace and justice.--KAS

Written by: Radmila Jakovljević
Banja Luka Gymnasium, Bosnia and Herzegovina
January 2002
Participant in the Education for Peace (EFP) Program
Translated into English from the original.

Observing our planet Earth it is more than obvious that it represents the UNITY of un-numbered DIVERSITIES.
If we observe the atom as the smallest particle of matter out of which all living and non-living systems are made (from the most simple to the most complex), we can see that it is not an indivisible unit. The atom of any matter also represents the unity of diversities since it is made of the nucleus and the electronic membrane with the even smaller particles (protons, neutrons, positrons, electrons…). Only when all these diversities come together is there the unique unit - ATOM. Since they are ruled by the laws of physics, the atom represents unity in diversity at the level of PHYSICAL INTEGRATION.
Two or more atoms connected by chemical bonds make molecules which represent PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL INTEGRATION as a higher level of unity in diversity. Through the combining of various molecules, the non-living and also living systems on Earth are created.
In regards to living systems, they possess both non-organic and organic molecules which have specific functional inter-relations. However, none of the living systems can survive without its non-living surroundings within which it constantly exchanges matter and energy. Therefore, each individual organism represents a basic level of ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION, an even more complex expression of unity in diversity.
Besides maintaining continuous contact with the non-living environment, living organisms are constantly in direct or indirect contact with many other living beings. These relationships are constant and various. When we speak of living beings, we mean numerous plants and animal species of this planet, and not only man.
Higher levels of environmental integration are expressed by mutual relationships among the same species (POPULATION), various species (BIOCENOSIS), and between the biocenosa and their non-living environment (ECO SYSTEMS).
The highest level of environmental integration is the BIOSPHERE which is composed of the living world with the non-living surrounding of Earth.
The relationships between living beings, no matter what they are like “”whether simple or complex” develop according to strict laws, on the basis of which a BALANCE in nature is created and maintained. Man, as the only being capable of thought and reason, is also a part of the biosphere but is, of all species, the only one with the power to disturb this balance. Considering that the species HOMO SAPIENS (Reasoning Man) is characterized by the biological as well as the social dimensions of life, he must learn to respect the environmental laws as well as the social laws. To do this, he must use his mind, or more clearly said, he must arrange the relationships within his population which, since mankind is one, constitutes all people on Earth.
The occurrence of cannibalism is rare in the living world and it has always had as its goal biological survival. Knowing this, are not the wars which have taken place within the human population something worse than cannibalism, particularly for the reason that human species represents the most complex of beings in the evolution of matter? What can we as individuals do such that we could accept the fact that mankind is only one of infinite diversities which comprise that unit called the planet Earth? Can international political peace be achieved based on the principle of unity in diversity?
If we look only at the human population on Earth, it is evident that even this population represents unity in diversity. Within humanity there are:
o different races of the same kind
o different customs
o different religious traditions
o different eating manners
o differences in clothing
o different languages, etc.
But, besides all these diversities the people of this planet have the right to eternal peace and correct relations. Therefore, it is necessary for humanity to conduct itself within the strict laws governing relations in the biosphere, in order for the welfare for the entire planet to be ensured.
In order to achieve unity, in the sense of MANKIND REPRESENTING THE UNITY OF DIVERSITIES, what is more than evident from the above, is that WE HAVE TO FIGHT FOR AN ESSENTIAL CHANGE IN OUR WORLDVIEW. Worldview is not fixed. It should grow and mature as we grow and mature. We must not allow ourselves to develop worldviews based on someone's else opinions or intrusions. Our worldview must not simply be a copy of our grandmother’s or grandfather’s, or our parents’ , particularly if they have a wrong worldview.
We have to educate the adults (parents, teachers…) to train and enable young people to develop such worldviews that bring benefit to the entire humankind. How? We have to help to the young people to form personalities which KNOW that the WORLD IS ONE. The basic principles of such people will be JUSTICE AND TRUTH, and their goal UNITY and PEACE. Therefore, they should be taught how to make decisions within an INTEGRATIVE APPROACH.
The characteristics of the integrative approach are:
o Orientation Towards the Process of Maturation: putting all power at the service of society so it can create aa new civilization, and recognizing that the goal of life is improvement of oneself and others on the intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual planes;
o Unity in Diversity as Basis of Worldview: diversity being a natural and necessary dimension in the composition of unity;
o Emotional and Intellectual Creativity and Integrity: combining freedom and discipline out of which creativity emerges;
o Consultative Decision-Making: in the context of unity, it is necessary to promote collective activity; in searching for the truth to bring decisions based on the best solution, and not on power or individual standing.
It is dangerous to develop in young people AUTHORITARIAN PERSONALITIES, which think that the WORLD IS DANGEROUS and that THE STRONGER ONES RULE. For such people, the main goal is SURVIVAL AND CONTROL.
The authoritarian way of thinking has the following features:
o Focus on Power (the most important goal is to gain power; the more powerful we are, the more safe we are);
o Dichotomous Worldview (the world is divided in two opposing groups: good and bad, men and women)
o Inflexibility in Ideas and Emotions (not being open for new ideas because they are powerful, and thus dangerous; emotions and love are the sign of weaknesses, and rage is the sign of the strength.);
o Hierarchical Relations (military way of thinking, acting by orders; releases people from individual responsibility);
o Strong fear of death.
It is also dangerous to develop in young people the LIBERAL approach. Such people think that the WORLD IS JUNGLE in which they MUST SURVIVE, and their GOAL IS TO WIN.
Characteristics of the liberal way of thinking are:
o Search for Pleasure (as the most important aspect of life);
o Individualistic Worldview (each individual cares only about his own interests);
o Relativity of Ideas and Emotions (everything passes and everything is accepted; ideas become loose, and people unconscientious);
o Anarchic Relations (there is no mutual standard upon which relations can be organized);
o Pre-occupation with the present.
Each person makes decisions in accordance with his worldview. As such, it is more than clear how important it is for decision-making to be brought within the INTEGRATIVE WAY OF THINKING, since only in that way can we achieve UNITY AND PEACE ON EARTH.
Conditions for this establishment are :
o Peace within ourselves
o Peace within relationships
o Peace within and between communities
A sound worldview is based on reality, and reality is comprised of: 1. scientific laws 2. moral, ethical and spiritual laws.
Each man has got the right TO KNOW, TO LOVE AND TO CHOOSE. He has the right to satisfy main human needs including SURVIVAL, JOINING WITH OTHER PEOPLE, and MAKING SENSE OF LIFE from which the achievement of basic human rights emerges.
If we create people who decide INTEGRATIVELY WITHIN CONSULTATIVE RELATIONSHIPS we shall be able to create a society which is based on REASON. However, REASON BY ITSELF DOES NOT LEAD TOWARD UNITY! Along with reason, it is necessary to gain new knowledge and to permanently develop our own worldviews and ideas on TRUE JUSTICE, EQUALITY AND UNITY, and TO CARRY THESE OUT IN PRACTICE.
How to include this practice in consultation as an integrative approach to decision making? In the group which decides there is no mistreatment, nor power nor authority: all members are equal. In the work of the consultative group, the universal ethical principles must be applied :
o Unity
o Modesty
o Sincerity
o Equality
o Moderation
o Patience
The consultative group must set up the following objectives:
o To find the solution which is based on truth and reality;
o To find the solution has to be interesting for everybody;
o To find the solution must sustain the group and increase its unity.
In the process of consulting, there are the following steps:
From the above, we see that it is possible to build the peace of mankind. It is necessary to examine ourselves whether we are authoritarian or liberal in character. It takes only a bit of goodwill to change our worldviews, to develop them and come closer to the integrative type of person who is capable to make consultative decisions. If we make all necessary efforts for children and pupils to become such people, then there is hope that mankind will finally move toward its so needed peace.
Never, in any situation can we allow ourselves to think that we are the smartest, that our opinion is always, and the only, correct one. We have to learn to



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