Saturday, August 13, 2011

VOTE for KEVIN STODA (Kansas) in Iowa Straw Poll this August

By Kevin Stoda

Hello Iowa Republicans!

With a band of “Koch Brother Waterboys” and another demagogic Texan throwing their hats into the ring in the Iowa Straw Poll currently, this Kansas Progressive Republican is going to ask you in Iowa to vote for him, instead. I have long been ahead of the curve in calling for assistance for the poor, the middle-class and the manipulated masses of Americans. Just recall my warnings in 2007 when I last ran in Iowa.[1]

America needs some progressive Republicans to get more balanced political representation in 2012.[2] I am going to represent this need and the group of Americans who have been left out in the cold by the Tea Party and Luke Warm candidates on the current slate before you. I am a christian fundamentalist who believes in progressive and socially conscious governance and political economy–just at the Bible preaches. The Bible calls for us to shake up this unequal system constructed obtusely by man over the past half century.[3]

Alas, a lot of folks, including Governor Perry of Texas, do not understand that they should thank the Lord for the good governance they have had–including the highways, pre-school programs, and vaccinations used by nearly all citizens in the USA–and demand much more “socially just governance”.

Please consider me in this August 2011 Straw Poll in your great state of Iowa.






Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Dear Kevin,
I don't know about you, but I've been hearing a lot lately about electric cars. And since I’m not part of our engineering staff, I don't know a fuel cell from a warp drive. Thankfully, the UCS vehicle team has created a new line of electric car designs—The Model E—that give you an inside look at how various electric vehicles are powered. So will these vehicles really be the revolution everyone's predicting? According to our experts they very well could be! But they're not a silver bullet. Check out the new resource center for answers to many of the common questions about hybrid electrics, plug-in hybrids, fuel cells, and battery electrics, and to find out how these technologies can help us save money at the gas pump, reduce our oil use, cut smog-forming pollution, and rein in global warming emissions. —Karla


THIS SOUNDS LIKE KANSAS’ REPUBLICANS= “When the Tea Party tells House Republicans to jump — the only question House Republicans ask is ‘How high?’”

Kevin –

When the Tea Party tells House Republicans to jump — the only question House Republicans ask is “How high?”

First, Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, and the rest of the House GOP allowed the Tea Party to bring us to the brink of a catastrophic default. Now those very same extremists are trying to pin the blame on President Obama for our nation’s first ever credit downgrade.

We can’t let them get away it.

We just launched our “Accountability August” campaign to hold Republicans accountable for their extreme agenda while they are home in their districts. We’re putting Republicans on the defensive across the country but we must raise an additional $100,000 to fully fund our Rapid Response operation for next week.

It’s critical we stand strong and united against Republicans’ all-out assault on Democrats and President Obama.

Your dollars will be put to work immediately to hold them accountable. Our August Accountability campaign includes radio ads, billboards, phone banks, door-to-door canvasses, and grassroots organizing in key Republican districts across the country.

Stand with President Obama, and help us fight back and hold Republicans accountable while they’re home in their districts by contributing $3 or more today.

Rep. Steve Israel
DCCC Chairman


Support funding that protects Indigenous women from rape and sexual violence

Dear Kevin,

Today, August 9th, is the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples - a day that is meant to honor ethnic groups around the world who are native to a particular land or region.

However, as the US Congress comes under pressure to cut the deficit and drastically reduce spending, Native communities could be left without the necessary resources to fight the epidemic of rape and sexual violence perpetrated against Native women and girls.

You may recall that one of our most historic victories in 2010 was when President Obama signed the Tribal Law and Order Act into law. This was a hard-fought battle championed by tribal leaders, Native advocates, and Amnesty members like you.

The Tribal Law and Order Act begins to empower tribal governments, address jurisdictional challenges and improve the agencies, programs and policies that have failed to protect, prevent and respond to Native American and Alaskan Native women survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

It is these very lifelines - the already chronically underfunded agencies and programs tasked with ensuring the safety and well-being of tribal communities - that Congress is threatening to cut…unless they hear from you first!

Support the funding that keeps America's indigenous communities safe from rape and sexual violence.

With Congress in recess - and Congressional members' at home in their local districts hearing the needs and priorities of their constituents (you!) - the time to strike is now!

So celebrate today by raising your voice in honor of America's Indigenous peoples.

We fought to get legislation such as the Tribal Law and Order Act on the books, and there's no better day than this one to fight to keep its legacy and purpose alive!

With Hope,

Angela T. Chang
Government Relations Associate Director
Amnesty International USA



MIC at 50 -
A National Conference in Charlottesville, Va.

A Conference on Moving Money from the Military to Human Needs —

Reserve your spot to attend this conference now! The fees increase after September 1st: Register.

Over 20 speakers will lead the discussion, planning, and organizing. Speakers will include retired Army Colonel Ann Wright, author Bruce Levine, retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and former Pentagon desk officer Karen Kwiatkowski, author Robert Jensen, international affairs analyst Helena Cobban, retired CIA officer Ray McGovern, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space Bruce Gagnon, executive director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee Shahid Buttar, author and West Point graduate Paul Chappell, and many more. See the speakers and agenda.

In Charlottesville, as around the country, increasingly the best place to look for a job is in the military-weapons-logistics-spying-reconstruction industry. There were 161 military contractors in Charlottesville taking in $919,914,918 through 2,737 contracts from the federal government between 2000 to 2010. And the trend is ever upward, the budget “crisis” notwithstanding.

This flood of money creates jobs less efficiently than investment in most other industries or even tax cuts. We are putting over half of every dollar of federal income tax and borrowing into the military. We could cut this by 85% and still be the top-spending nation in the world militarily. Meanwhile we are failing to invest in infrastructure, green energy, education, housing, jobs, and care for our young, old, and ill. The current trend will ruin us economically, as well as in terms of civil liberties, representative government, environmental destruction, social cohesion, hostile blowback, and weapons proliferation. Reining in the MIC has become a matter of survival.

We can and must turn this around!

Reserve your spot to attend this conference now! The fees increase after September 1st: Register.

The low registration fees (just $30 or $15 for students) are made possible by sponsorships and donations from those who are able.

Sponsor this conference a s an organization or an individual.

Volunteer to help before or during the conference.

Offer a guestroom in your Charlottesville home for one of our speakers or another participant from out of town.

Coming from out of town?

* Request a free place to stay! (no guarantee).
* Request a supply of brochures, flyers, or posters.

WHEN: September 16-18, 2011


* Friday, September 16, 2011, at the Haven, 112 W Market Street, Charlottesville, Va. Map.
* Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18, 2011, at The Dickinson Fine and Performing Arts Center at Piedmont Virginia Community College, 501 County Road 338, Charlottesville, Va. 22902-7589. Map.

Learn more:


Support Justice and Peace: Click “Donate” in the upper right corner of

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"The Fall of the Faculty'--leans towards explaining the tragedy

"The Fall of the Faculty'--leans towards explaining the tragedy

By Kevin Anthony Stoda

Earlier this summer a faculty member at the university of Kansas had shared with me the fact that there has been run-away growth in administration levels at universities in the USA over recent years.

I just wrote a series of short blogs on the debt caused to individuals by run-amok-bad university administrations in the USA. -go-into-debt%E2%80%93forever/

Earlier this summer a faculty member at the university of Kansas had shared with me the fact that there has been run-away growth in administration levels at universities in the USA over recent years. --KAS

"The Fall of the Faculty'
July 14, 2011

Faculty members feeling besieged by, well, take your pick -- increased scrutiny of their productivity and the relevance of their research; broadsides against tenure; attacks on their expertise and ability to collectively bargain; or their shrinking role in the affairs of their institutions -- will no doubt find succor in a new book to be released next month.

In his polemic, The Fall of the Faculty: The Rise of the All-Administrative University and Why It Matters (Oxford University Press), Benjamin Ginsberg, David Bernstein Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, takes stock of what ails higher education and finds a single, unifying cause: the growth of administration.

Ginsberg bemoans the expansion over the past 30 years of what he calls "administrative blight" as personified by what he characterizes as an army of "deanlets" and "deanlings." By virtue of their sheer number and their managerial rather than academic orientation, Ginsberg argues, these administrators have served to marginalize the faculty in carrying out tasks related to personnel and curriculum that once sat squarely in their domain.

In prose that is by turns piquant, sarcastic and largely dismissive of many administrators, Ginsberg marshals anecdotes from his 40 years of experience at Hopkins and Cornell University, as well as from accounts from other campuses. He juxtaposes these with historical analysis and data showing that the growth in the ranks of administrators (85 percent) and associated professional staff (240 percent) has far outstripped the increase in faculty (51 percent) between 1975 and 2005. "Generally speaking," he writes, "a million-dollar president could be kidnapped by space aliens and it would be weeks or even months before his or her absence from campus was noticed."

Ginsberg lays at administrators' feet a host of perceived ills: the increased curricular focus on vocational education instead of one grounded in the liberal arts; an emphasis on learning outside the classroom in lieu of core academic disciplines; the transformation of research from an instrument of social good and contributor to human knowledge to an institutional revenue stream; and the limiting of tenure and academic freedom.

The larger result, he argues, is that universities have shifted their resources and attention away from teaching and research in order to feed a cadre of administrators who, he says, do little to advance the central mission of universities and serve chiefly to inflate their own sense of importance by increasing the number of people who report to them. "Armies of staffers pose a threat by their very existence," he wrote. "They may seem harmless enough at their tiresome meetings but if they fall into the wrong hands, deanlets can become instruments of administrative imperialism and academic destruction."

Carl O. Moses, the provost, dean of faculty and a professor of Earth and environmental sciences at Susquehanna University, as well as chair of the American Conference of Academic Deans said that, while he shared Ginsberg's concern that the growth in non-teaching employees had pushed up the cost of college, he saw this growth as necessary to deal with a changing student body. "Our population of learners is much more diverse on dimensions almost too numerous to list," Moses said in an e-mail, while stating upfront that he had not yet read the book and wanted to step carefully in critiquing it. "The needs of those students are correspondingly more diverse, and a dean of students, a conduct officer, a housing coordinator, and a chaplain just are not enough anymore."

Not only does Ginsberg reject the idea that student needs are served by administrative growth, he dismisses the argument that this increase has been a necessary response to mounting demands from government and accreditors. He points out that the ratios of students to administrators vary widely from one institution to the next -- and even between public and private institutions (the rate of administrative growth at private colleges has, in fact, been double that at publics).

Moses disputed the idea that these different ratios offered enough evidence to reject the argument that increased regulatory burdens have led to staff growth. Different institutions, whether public or private, make different decisions about hiring their own professional staff as opposed to outsourcing those functions, Moses said. "The evidence is incontrovertible, in my view, that regulatory burdens have increased, and institutions have no choice but to respond," he said. "A university general counsel once told me that, of 60-some federal agencies, all but one have some regulatory authority over institutions of higher education."

Ginsberg ends his book by offering a few remedies, while acknowledging that they may serve only to slow administrative growth rather than reverse it. Faculty members and trustees should and can be natural allies, he wrote, and peer-elected faculty representatives should serve on their institutions' governing boards. Parents and students, alumni, faculty, and the media can take a hard look at where the money on campus goes and what purposes it serves, he adds. Talented and hardworking administrators (of whom he concedes there are some), can root out the bad ones, and thin out their own ranks when necessary.

Inside Higher Ed caught up with Ginsberg to ask him about his book and the impact he hopes it will have.

Q: Most of your scholarship has been about political science. What made you want to write about higher education?

A: I've been in the university for 40 years -- 20 years at Hopkins and 20 years at Cornell -- and I've observed the university changing quite dramatically. As a political scientist I was very sensitive to issues of politics and struggle. And I've increasingly seen the same tactics at work in universities that we see here in Washington.

Q: In your book, you refer frequently to "deanlets and deanlings." Can you please tell me a little more about what you mean?

A: I wanted to emphasize a major shift that's been underway for several decades. Deans have an academic background. Years ago, they were part-time and always part of the faculty. This is extremely important because, like the faculty, they saw the university as an instrument of teaching and scholarship. Today, we have a cadre of professional administrators. I called them deanlets to give emphasis to the difference. They either have no faculty background or they decided early in their careers that their talents lay elsewhere. To them, what used to be the means is now the end. Instead of an institution serving teaching and scholarship, teaching and scholarship serve the institution.

Q: Many administrators do, in fact, come from an academic background, including some presidents who have been locked in bitter disputes with faculty. And if these academics-turned-administrators change, some might say it's because they are confronted with decisions that they didn't necessarily face as faculty members. In your view, what's the dynamic? Is it a case of the wrong people going into these positions, or is the system itself bad?

A: It's both. Years ago, administrators tended to be a bit older. The typical administrator was someone who had been an academic for a number of years and saw administration as an honorable way to close out a career. The administrators today tend to go into administration at a much younger age -- often they are people in their 30s who either have not had an academic career or whose academic career was unsuccessful and they now see an alternative career path. The first set often accomplished a lot in their lives. The second set have often never done anything. It's not their orientation; they're bureaucrats. That's not all of them; some of them are quite good. Even those who are good are often reshaped by the system. This would probably happen to me. We are all easily led astray. Even someone with the best of intentions, if they commanded a legion of deanlets, they would find themselves pursuing bad ideas.

Q: You describe administration as, like many bureaucracies, a kind of self-perpetuating entity that seeks to expand as a way of justifying its own existence. What are the most egregious examples?

A: In the book, I provide a number of examples. I tell the story from my own experience of our summer program, which had one administrator and 400 students. It was given over to a professional deanlet. It soon had 400 professional staff members and one student. And no one seemed to care.

Q: What factors led to this state of affairs?

A: It's like a rerun of "Law and Order": you have to look for motive, means and opportunity to solve the crime. The motive is that you have some ambitious university presidents and provosts who sought ways of enhancing their own power. We see that all the time in every bureaucracy. The opportunity was given to them by two factors: one is that faculty would prefer to work in labs and classrooms, so they're easily circumvented; two is the rise of professional fund-raising. To my mind, professional fund-raising is the worst thing that ever happened to the university. If the university is dependent on revenues from federal grants and tuition -- revenues from doing things -- then it has to rely on faculty. The revenue base is under the control of the faculty. But professional fund-raisers allow them to circumvent that.

Q: You are highly critical of strategic plans, administrative retreats and workshops and committees attended by administrators. You point mockingly at such examples as the Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee or the Process Management Steering Committee. Of course, the same tactic is also deployed by faculty critics who list the names of courses that sound ridiculous to outside ears. What makes this critique valid when leveled against administrators?

A: If you look around the typical university, 1 to 2 percent of the courses are silly, but it's a small number. In my 40 years in academics, the number of truly silly courses is very small. But when I look at administrators, I'd argue that the bulk of activities is quite silly, such as the war zones task force which met and concluded that students should be discouraged from entering war zones. More generally, I look at strategic planning that takes enormous energy for no reason. Many of these could just be copied; the end result would be the same. The process of putting these plans together is designed rather like elections in the Soviet Union: the process is designed to give people the impression that people care what they think. I also looked at the minutes and agendas of administrative meetings. When administrators and staff get together, they mostly talk about prior meetings and plans for future meetings.

Q: You recite a litany of administrators who lined their pockets or burnished their own images at the expense of their institutions. Why do you see these examples as reflective of a systemic problem rather than a case of a few bad actors?

A: There are very few controls in place to prevent it. Virtually no university has systems in place to monitor and check the behavior of senior administrators. If some poor student is accused of plagiarism, that's a federal case. There are all sorts of systems in place. If a faculty or staff member is accused of sexual harassment, there are normal systems in place. If an administrator cheats and steals or presents phony credentials, there's nothing in place to stop it.

Q: What impact do you hope this book will have?

A: I hope to wake up the faculty. We're like the residents of a Japanese city living next to the ocean and thinking the tsunami won't affect us. I also hope to alert university boards. When they read the administration's propaganda organs, I want them to understand that the institution they love needs their help. They didn't come to Hopkins or Georgetown or Princeton to work with our deanlets. They came to work with our faculty.
-- Dan Berrett

Author's Website:

Author's Bio:

KEVIN STODA-has been blessed to have either traveled in or worked in nearly 100 countries on five continents over the past two and a half decades.--He sees himself as a peace educator and have been-- a promoter of good economic and social development--making-him an enemy of my homelands humongous DEFENSE SPENDING and its focus on using weapons to try and solve global issues.

"I am from Kansas so I also use the pseudonym 'Kansas' and 'alone' when I write and publish.- I-keep two blogs--one with BLOGGER and one with WORDPRESS.- My writings range from reviews to editorials or to travel observations.- I also make recommendations related to policy--having both a-strong background in teaching foreign languages and degrees in teaching in history and the social sciences.--As a Midwesterner, I also write on religion and living out ones faith whether it be as a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist perspective."


Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Dear members and friends of Historians Against the War,

"Empire" has recently become a popular subject of historical research
and under the Bush administration it re-emerged in political
discourse. The flood of books on the subject has become overwhelming.
Both supporters and opponents of American foreign policy in general
and military policy in particular use the term "empire" to describe
U.S. hegemony in its various forms. Nonetheless, many Americans are
very resistant to thinking of the United States in terms of empire.
Non-specialists, even among the interested public, often lack
information about how historical empires actually worked and in which
ways historians and political scientists put the United States into
the historical context of past empires. They consider an empire to be
an entity which exercises direct and usually strict territorial
control over other (foreign) areas. This misunderstanding is
illustrated and fuelled by maps of world history that show broad
swaths of red for the British Empire, implying absolute British
control, and the contrast with current maps which show the patchwork
of states today, implying complete sovereignty and freedom from
foreign control.

We propose a project that will bridge the gap between a scholarly
understanding of empires in history and the applicability of the term
to the United States on the one hand and the
popular resistance to interpreting the U.S. in terms of empire on the
other hand. We would like to create an annotated bibliography of
recent and/or important scholarship on the United States and the issue
of empire. The brief book discussions/articles would address the
following issues:

- the author's understanding of the term "empire"
- concrete forms of imperialism discussed or addressed
- the use or abuse of direct or implied historical analogies with past empires
- time period considered (all of U.S. history, only 1898 to the
present, current or recent policy only, only since WW2, etc.)
- whether the author makes policy recommendations, implicitly or explicitly
- which assumptions the work makes about the nature and extent of U.S. interests

We may eventually present a working list of titles of books we would
like reviewed on these terms, but we'll start by opening the review
process to any titles of interest to HAW members. A worksheet/form
that reviewers would fill out to guide their reviews is already
available ( We do not
seek to include only books that oppose U.S. policy. Books that discuss
the issue and historically argue that the U.S. is not an empire should
also be considered. The main criterion is the use of "empire" as a
theme, category, approach or model, not a position, for or against,
U.S. policy. While this kind of historiography is often politicized,
we strive to include monographs which are generally scholarly and not

The reviews will eventually be published at the HAW webpage and
perhaps as a pamphlet or short book. Information on this project will
be published periodically at
and at the HAW blog.

We need authors. If you would like to review a book about this theme
for the publication, please get in touch with Mark Hatlie


Dr. des. Mark R. Hatlie
Im Feuerhägle 1
72072 Tübingen
Cell: +49-163-1341718
Home: +49-7071-792696


Victory for Whistleblower Bunny Greenhouse! Thank You!

Victory for Whistleblower Bunny Greenhouse! Thank You!


The National Whistleblowers Center is pleased to announced the Army Corps of Engineers was forced into capitulation and ended its six-year legal battle against one of this nation's whistleblower heroes,
Bunnatine "Bunny" Greenhouse. The Army Corps agreed to pay Ms. Greenhouse $970,000.00 representing full restitution for lost wages, the statutory maximum compensatory damages award and all of her legal fees. On August 22, 2011 Bunny turned 67 and will retire with her full pension benefits. See the story in today's Washington Post.[1]

Thank you for all you did along the way to help keep pressure on an unrelenting agency. We cannot begin to tell you how important your efforts were to Bunny's case.

Unfortunately, as Bunny points out: "there are too many federal employees who are silenced for simply doing their jobs and protecting the public interest. Six years to extract justice is too long. Without the support of the NWC I would not have survived." Ms. Greenhouse hopes that the plight she "suffered prompts the Administration and Congress to move dedicated civil servants from second-class citizenry and to finally give federal employees the legal rights that they need to protect the public trust."





Matthew 25:14-30

"Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money. "After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.' "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' "The man with two bags of gold also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two bags of gold; see, I have gained two more.' "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' "Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. 'Master,' he said, 'I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.' "His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. "'So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'"

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92 Members of Congress Call for Return of U.S. Troops and Military Contractors from Iraq by December 31, 2011

AMERICA NEEDS REAL REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS. Get your congressman and senators on board.--KAS

The following 93 members of Congress signed the Lee-Jones letter on Iraq: Baldwin, Bass (CA-33), Boswell, Braley, Capps, Capuano, Chu, Cicilline, Clark (MI-13), Clarke (NY-11), Clay, Cleaver, Clyburn, Cohen, Conyers, Costello, Davis (IL-7), DeFazio, DeLauro, Deutch, Doggett, Doyle, Duncan (TN-2), Edwards, Ellison, Farr, Filner, Frank, Fudge, Garamendi, Grijalva, Gutierrez, Hahn, Hanabusa, Hastings (FL-23), Heinrich, Hirono, Holt, Honda, Jackson Jr. (IL-2), Jackson-Lee, Johnson (IL-15), Johnson (TX-30), Jones, Kaptur, Kucinich, Larson, Lee, Lewis (GA-5), Loebsack, Lofgren, Lujan, Maloney, Matsui, McCollum, McDermott, McGovern, Michaud, Miller (CA-7), Moore, Nadler, Napolitano, Norton, Olver, Paul, Payne, Pingree, Polis, Rangel, Richardson, Rush, Sanchez (CA-39), Sanchez (CA-47), Schakowsky, Schrader, Scott (VA-3), Serrano, Sewell, Slaughter, Speier, Stark, Thompson (CA-1), Thompson (MS-2), Tonko, Towns, Tsongas, Velazquez, Waters, Watt, Welch, Wilson (FL-17), Woolsey, Yarmuth

Press release and official letter to the President below:

Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370

Barbara Lee, 92 Members of Congress Call for Return of U.S. Troops and Military Contractors from Iraq by December 31, 2011

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement after sending a letter to President Barack Obama, along with 88 Democrats and 4 Republicans calling for compliance with the Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq and a full withdrawal by December 31, 2011:

“I am pleased that so many of my colleagues from both sides of the aisle joined me in sending a clear message that we must keep our commitment to ending the dangerous and misguided military occupation in Iraq this year.

“It has been over eight years since President Bush launched the disastrous war in Iraq. Now President Obama has the opportunity to finally end the war by adhering to the Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq which requires all 47,000 U.S. troops remaining in Iraq to depart before December 31, 2011.

“The American people are sick and tired of endless wars, and widely support the current plan to end our involvement in Iraq. It is past time that we bring this war to an end.”

The text of the letter can be found below.


July 22, 2011
The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to urge you to hold to our nation’s Status of Forces Agreement with the government of Iraq that commits our nation to bringing all of our troops and military contractors home at the end of this calendar year.

The American people have made it clear that the war in Iraq must end. By wide and overwhelming margins, Americans approve of your plan to remove all the troops from Iraq by the end of this year.

We are deeply concerned to learn that your Administration is considering plans to keep potentially thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq beyond the end of this year. Extending our presence in Iraq is counterproductive - the Iraqi people do not support our continued occupation. Remaining in Iraq would only further strengthen the perception that we are an occupying force with no intention of leaving Iraq.

Leaving troops and military contractors in Iraq beyond the deadline is not in our nation’s security interests, it is not in our nation’s strategic interests, and it is not in our nation’s economic interests.
Mr. President, we look forward to working with you in maintaining our nation’s Status of Forces Agreement with the government of Iraq and bringing all of our troops and military contractors home at the end of this year.


Barbara Lee
Member of Congress

Walter B. Jones
Member of Congress

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Since its launch last month has been making serious waves.

One broadcaster tried — and failed — to shut down our videos. And activists like you have uncovered more than 20 new cases of covert consolidation in cities across the country!

More emails have been pouring in from others wanting to investigate broadcasters who may be illegally cutting corners on local news in their communities.

The next few months will be crucial as the Federal Communications Commission reviews its media ownership rules. That’s why we need you to continue to shine a light on covert consolidation.

We need to show the FCC exactly how newsroom consolidation undermines independent journalism and harms communities.

Already your efforts have exposed this practice in cities like Burlington, Vt., Knoxville, Tenn. and Montgomery, Ala. (For details check out our growing database at

To make our case we rely on your help. Email me at if you’re interested in reporting on abuses, collecting video evidence and telling your own story. Free Press has compiled a Change the Channels Toolkit to help you document covert consolidation, mobilize friends and neighbors and educate lawmakers. You can download the toolkit here:

Please join me in exposing covert consolidation and demanding FCC action.

Thanks for all you do.

Libby Reinish
Program Coordinator
Free Press

P.S. Want to support our work? We don't take a dime from businesses, political parties or the government. Please donate today.


MSNBC: Stop giving a platform on your network to xenophobia, bigotry and hate speech. Fire Pat Buchanan immediately

Tell MSNBC: Fire Pat Buchanan!
MSNBC shouldn't promote this notorious racist.
Take Action!

"MSNBC: Stop giving a platform on your network to xenophobia, bigotry and hate speech. Fire Pat Buchanan immediately."

Learn more about this campaign

Dear Kevin,

This week Pat Buchanan wrote, astonishingly, that Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik "may be right" in his perception of a Crusades-like conflict between Christians and Muslims.1

So why is MSNBC paying Buchanan to broadcast his extreme views on air?

Buchanan should be able to say just about anything he wants. But MSNBC — a network that is now working to position itself as the progressive alternative to FOX News and CNN — doesn't have to give him a platform.

Tell MSNBC: Fire Pat Buchanan! Click here to automatically sign the petition.

MSNBC President Phil Griffin considers the network "the place to go for progressives."2

But promoting bigotry and racism is anything but progressive. Buchanan's laundry list of unabashed white-supremacy includes downplaying slavery,3 writing a book in which he advocated shutting down our borders to maintain white dominance and espoused the genetic superiority of whites,4 complaining that confirming Elena Kagan would put too many Jews on the Supreme Court,5 and even defending Hitler. Repeatedly.6

Now, Buchanan is validating Breivik's radical, anti-Muslim ideology — the ideology Breivik wrote about extensively in his 1,500 page manifesto, citing numerous prominent American right-wing voices of Islamophobia,7 especially regarding the Park51 Islamic Community Center. Buchanan himself likened the center to the Nazi's trying to march in Skokie, Illinois 3 decades ago.8

Whatever MSNBC's new slogan Lean Forward might mean to them, it's the exact opposite direction of the rhetoric that Buchanan stands for. If the network wants to maintain any credibility, it's time to leave Buchanan behind.

Tell MSNBC: Fire Pat Buchanan! Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Thank you for fighting hate.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

1. "Pat Buchanan: 'Breivik May Be Right'," Media Matters, July 26, 2011
2. "Phil Griffin: 'MSNBC Stands For Something ...Is Really The Place To Go For Progressives'," Mediaite, June 20, 2011
3. "Buchanan: 'What is happening now to white men right now is exactly what was done to black folks for years.'," Think Progress, May 6, 2009
4. "Buchanan Argues For Immigration Moratorium To Preserve White Dominance," Think Progress, August 22, 2006
5. "Buchanan complains that with Kagan, Supreme Court will have too many Jews," Media Matters, May 14, 2010
6. "MSNBC's Pat Buchanan defends Hitler. Again.," Media Matters, September 2, 2009
7. "Breivik Was Influenced By American Islamophobes Behind 'Ground Zero Mosque' Hysteria," ThinkProgress, July 25, 2011
8. "Discussing Ground Zero mosque, Buchanan invokes Nazis attempting to march in Skokie, IL," Media Matters, August 4, 2010

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No ‘Shared Sacrifice’ for Big Oil

Big Oil Hits A Gusher

Jul 28, 2011 | By ThinkProgress War Room

While the government’s coffers are nearly empty (not unlike the wallets of millions of Americans), Big Oil is still flush with cash — including some of the $4 BILLION in taxpayer-funded handouts they’ll get from Uncle Sam this year. This week, the government-subsidized oil giants once again reported tens of billions of dollars in profits.

As the nation teeters on the brink of default, the GOP wants us to “kiss Medicare goodbye” (along with Medicaid and Social Security), but they still refuse to touch a dime of the $77 BILLION in taxpayer handouts that we’ll give to the most profitable industry the world has ever known over the next 10 years.

Here are the numbers you need to know:


ConocoPhillips’ second quarter profit.


BP‘s second quarter profit, which investors called “disappointing.”


Shell’s second quarter profit.


ExxonMobil’s second quarter profit.

17.6 Percent

ExxonMobil’s effective federal tax rate.

20.4 Percent

The average American’s individual effective tax rate.

41 Percent

The increase in ExxonMobil’s second quarter profits.


The cost of taxpayer-funded subsidies for Big Oil from 2011-2021.

In one sentence: Even as ExxonMobil made more than $118 MILLION a day in profits last quarter, it is still paying a lower tax rate than the average American.
Evening Brief: Important Stories That You May Have Missed

Move over Atkins; Paleo is the newest dietary fad sweeping the country.

Over 100 members of Congress sent a letter to the Department of Justice asking it to investigate whether new voter ID laws passed by various Republican lawmakers are in violation of the Voting Rights Act.

On his radio show yesterday, Rush Limbaugh declared that “almost no temperature records were broken” during the recent heat wave, claiming the media was lying so it could “advance a political agenda of liberalism.”

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is facing backlash on all fronts of the Republican Party after he called it “foolish” for letting its Tea Party fringe dominate the debt ceiling negotiations.

The story of American prosperity isn’t a story about a poor country that used good policy to become rich.

Using the debt crisis as a distraction, Tea Party Republicans are trying to ban the government from buying fluorescent light bulbs, protecting manatees, fighting skin cancer, or researching climate change.

It doesn’t make any sense for the United States to stay in Iraq because of Iran.

It’s probably a bit much to expect sophisticated understanding of strategic deterrence theory from a guy who “misremembers” his own military record.

Tim Gunn may know style, but he doesn’t know Hillary Clinton, diplomacy, or apparently, much about sexism.


Washington's Response to a Failed Ecomomy: More War

Washington's Response to a Failed Ecomomy: More War

By paul craig roberts

This article is from the Summer 2011 issue of the Trends Journal, a publication of Gerald Celente's Trends Research Institute. It is republished below with Mr. Celente's permission.

As the second decade of the 21st century began, the US economy had not recovered from the Great Recession that began in December 2007.

The economy's failure to recover was despite the largest fiscal and monetary stimulus in the country's history. There was a $700 billion bank bailout, a $700 billion stimulus program, a couple of trillion in "quantitative easing," that is, in debt monetization or the printing of money to finance the government's expenditures. In addition the Federal Reserve's balance sheet had expanded by trillions of dollars as the Fed purchased troubled mortgage bonds and derivatives in its effort to keep the financial system solvent and functioning. According to the Government Accountability Office's audit of the Federal Reserve released by Senator Bernie Sanders, the Federal Reserve provided secret loans to US and foreign banks totaling $16.1 trillion, a sum larger than US Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Despite the enormous fiscal and monetary stimulus, the economy remained dead in the water.

In 2011 the deficit in the federal government's annual expenditures was 43 percent of the budget. In other words, the US government had to borrow, or the Fed had to monetize, 43 percent of federal expenditures during fiscal year 2011. Despite this unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, the economy did not recover.

At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the economy's decline was temporarily halted by federal subsidies for car and home purchases. The $8,000 housing subsidy helped newlyweds purchase starter homes as the subsidy was a big chunk of the down payment in a depressed housing market. The car purchase subsidy moved future demand into the present. When these subsidies expired, the economy's life support was turned off.

Problems with the statistical reporting of unemployment, inflation, and GDP disguised the worsening economy. Seasonal adjustments used to smooth the data over the course of the year were not designed for prolonged recession. Neither was the "birth-death" model used by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to estimate non-reported jobs from new start-up companies and losses from companies that have gone out of business. The birth-death model was designed for a growing economy and during downturns overestimates the number of new jobs created.

The "substitution effect" used in the consumer price index (CPI) underestimates inflation by assuming that consumers substitute cheaper foods for those that rise in price. For example, if the price of New York strip steak rises, this does not show up in the CPI, because of the assumption that people shift their purchases to a less expensive cut such as round steak.

Cooking the Books

The widely used "core inflation" measure does not include food or energy. Core inflation is a useful measure for those who want to put an optimistic spin on the outlook.

By underestimating inflation, the government can overestimate real GDP growth, thus creating a fictional rosy outlook. Similarly, by using the employment measure known as U.3, the government underestimates unemployment.

The "headline" unemployment rate, the one emphasized by the media and the financial press, stood at 9.2 percent in June, 2011. But this rate does not include any discouraged workers. A discouraged worker is a person who has ceased looking for a job, because there are no jobs to be found. A discouraged worker is not considered to be in the work force and is not counted among the U.3 unemployed. The federal government knows that this is phony and has a U.6 measure of unemployment that counts the short-term discouraged. This measure, seldom reported by the media, stood at 16.2 percent in June, 2011.

Statistician John Williams ( continues to count also the long-term discouraged workers according to the way it was officially done in 1980. In June, 2011, this full measure of the US unemployment rate was 22.7 percent.

In other words, by 2011 between one-fifth and one-fourth of the US work force were without jobs.

As 2011 progressed, the United States faced three simultaneous economic crises. One crisis arose from the loss of US jobs, GDP, consumer income, and tax base caused by corporations off-shoring their production for the US market. Instead of making their products at home with American labor and providing Americans with jobs and states and localities with tax revenues, US corporations provided countries such as China, India, and Indonesia with GDP, jobs, consumer income and a tax base. This practice meant that economic stimulus was unable to revive the US economy as Americans cannot be called back to work jobs that have been moved abroad.

Another crisis was the financial crisis resulting from deregulation, fraud, and greed. Securitization of mortgages meant that issuers of mortgages no longer had any incentive to ascertain the credit worthiness of the borrower, because the issuers sold the mortgages to third parties who combined the mortgages with others and sold them to investors.

As mortgages were issued for fees, the more mortgages issued, the higher the income from fees. In order to collect fee income, some issuers faked credit reports for borrowers. With the housing market booming, many people took mortgages in order to make money on the resale of the properties. With housing prices rising rapidly, down payments and credit worthiness became concerns of the past. The financial crisis was made worse by the ability of investment banks to get around capital requirements and, thereby, leverage their equity by incurring enormous debt. When all the bubbles burst, the house of cards collapsed.

Economic Armageddon

The third crisis was the $1.5+ trillion annual federal budget deficits, which were too large to be financed without the Federal Reserve buying the Treasury's new debt issues. Known as monetizing debt, the Federal Reserve purchased the Treasury's bills, notes, and bonds by creating a checking account, which the Treasury would then draw upon to pay the government's bills. The outpouring of Treasury debt raised concerns about the dollar's exchange value and role as reserve currency, and it raised fears of inflation. Gold and silver prices rose as the dollar declined in foreign exchange markets.

Any one of these crises was serious. All together, they implied economic Armageddon.

There was no obvious way out, but even if one could be found, the government was focused elsewhere -- on wars.

In addition to ongoing military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, the US and NATO began military operations against Libya on March 19, 2011. As with the existing wars, the real purpose of the aggression against Libya was not acknowledged, but it became clear that the war's purpose was to evict China from its oil investments in eastern Libya. Unlike the previous Arab protests, the Libyan rebellion was an armed uprising in which some saw the CIA's hand.

The Libyan war upped the risk, because although hiding behind the veil of Arab protest, the US was actually confronting China. Similarly, in the US-supported armed rebellion in Syria, Washington's target was the Russian naval base at Tartus. Overthrowing the Assad government in Syria and installing a US friendly regime would put paid to Russia's naval presence in the Mediterranean.

By hiding its purposes behind Arab protests in Libya and Syria that it might have initiated, Washington avoided face-to-face conflicts with China and Russia, but nevertheless the two powers understood that Washington was striking at their interests. This elevated the recklessness of Washington's aggressive policies by initiating confrontation with two nuclear powers, one of which held financial power over the US as America's largest foreign creditor.

China's oil investments in Angola and Nigeria were another target. To counter China's economic penetration of Africa, the US created the American African Command in the closing years of the first decade of the 21st century. Disturbed by China's rise, the US undertook to prevent China from having independent sources of energy. The great game that in the past has always led to war is being played out once again.

September 11, 2001, provided Washington with a new "threat" to replace the Soviet threat, which had expired in 1991. Despite the absence of the Soviet threat, the military/security budget had been kept alive for a decade. September 11, 2001, injected rapid growth into the military/security budget. A decade later the budget stood at approximately $1.1 trillion annually, or approximately 70 percent of the federal deficit which was crippling the dollar and threatening the US Treasury's credit rating.

Focused on Middle Eastern wars, Washington was losing the war for the US economy.

As the expectation of economic recovery evaporated over the course of 2011, the need for war became more imperative. (See, "Sen. Graham 'Very Close' to War.")

Author's Bio: Paul Craig Roberts was an editor of the Wall Street Journal and an Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury. His latest book, HOW THE ECONOMY WAS LOST, has just been published by CounterPunch/AK Pres



HATE IS NOT ENOUGH When John Boehne was trying to whip his troops into line to vote for his debt ceiling bill on Wednesday, his pitch was simple: "President Obama hates it. Harry Reid hates it. Nancy Pelosi hates it. Why would Republicans want to be on the side of President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi is beyond me." That was enough for conservative firebrand Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.). Boehner's plan wasn't perfect, he said in a Facebook post, but "the fact Pelosi, Reid and Obama hate it doggone makes it perfect enough."


PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES ARE AMONG THE WORST at training young americans to go into debt--FOREVER

Read, please, Rob Kall's article on "Add Lousy Credit to A Litany of Other Right-Wing Induced Lousy USA Ratings". 1 in every 3 Americans are affected by debt personally.

I recently tried to go back to the University of Kansas and ended up owing nearly 600 dollars for a class(es) I never took. Many universities and their Sallie Mae counterparts use financial forms and registration processes, which are reminiscent of Bank of America, Countrywide and the worst of America's Bad banks.

My tale is not atypical. I talked to about a dozen people in Lawrence, Kansas (city where the University of Kansas is located) about my case. Everyone knew of similar tales at KU.

Students across the USA end up owing a lot of money to these institutions--many of them run under extremely bloated administrations (with high administrative costs) and with too many personnel with too little authority to help out the consumer.

In the meantime, many universities, like those in Californian university systems, bail out the state government regularly because they have millions of dollars on hand in a pinch.

We need to stop the debt in America at its roots--this includes higher education. (by the way, many states make it very hard for public school students to even lobby for their rights and freedoms. The state officials in Topeka passed laws limiting student activism years ago.)

Add Lousy Credit to A Litany of Other Right-Wing Induced Lousy USA Ratings

By Rob Kall

It's already too late. The disgusting dance that Boehner and his mental midget teapartiers have been doing, playing politics with the USA's reputation has already affected the perceptions of the US by the rest of the planet.

They see a congress that is gridlocked by crazy extremists-- not my words, though I'm okay echoing them.

They see a US that savagely allows over 50 million of its citizens to suffer without health insurance, with a healthcare system that is not even ranked among the top 20 nations.

They see a US that educates its children so incompetently or irresponsibly that students are not ranked among the top 20 nations.

They see a US that, though it led in getting the internet going, now fails to rank among the top 20 nations for broad-band access and availability.

They see a US that sees an average life-span that is not among the top 20 nations.

So it is no surprise to them to see that the fundamentalists who have partnered with corporatists and sociopathic billionaires, like the Koch brothers to trash the USA's standing in ranking after ranking of international measures have intentionally, due to malignant ideological idiocy, trashed the USA's credit rating.

Even if there's a last minute rescue, some damage has already been done. Joseph Nye has written about soft power-- the good will that a nation earns. The USA's soft power has been a valuable asset. The teaparty is to soft power what leprosy is to facial attractiveness-- tragically devastating.

Obama deserves part of the blame. It's clear, he's had a strategy here, but it's been a weak, ineffective one. Yeah, sure, he's telling people to tweet their legislators. Sorry. he has the bully pulpit and his message left out jobs, left out a strong fight for the middle class. It wasn't enough to be against private jets for CEOs. He needs to get on the train that is leaving, bringing the fight for the middle class to the front lines. He needs to draw a line in the sand and start going after, big-time, every billionaire in America. Each one should have their own IRS investigator. Every one. Just knowing that there's someone tracking them will make them be more honest.

But the bottom line is, the tea party has proven that it controls the Republican party and between them, they don't give a flying fig about the vast majority of Americans.

Finally, there's that balanced budget amendment in the Republican- tea-party budget bill. There's no other way to characterize it but bat-sh*t crazy-- totally devoid of reality.

These radical extremists are not conservatives. They are dangerous threats to the future of America. It is tragic that the mainstream media allows them to be talking about compromise, when the Democrats have given up on taxes, on revenues. No. It is worse than tragic. It is offensively obscene that the networks allow liars like Boehner, and all the tea party sociopathic corporate lap-dogs to argue that the Democrats are not compromising.

I just came from a conference on Positive psych ology, where there were scores of presentations on happiness, love, compassion, kindness-- but here, I think we need to think more about disease-- about an acute necrotizing, aggressive infectious, malignancy that has done severe damage to every American.
You know what you do with such diseases. You excise them.

flickr image from BookMama

As I write, Boehner is speaking now, suggesting that the bill he's sending to the senate is an honest and sincere effort. Talk about the big, humungous lie. Boehner is two heartbeats from being president. After this debacle, Eric Cantor, a more malodorous, more sociopathic tea-partier will probably take his place. The USA needs all the prayers it can get.

Author's Bio:

Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and site architect of, Host of the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show (WNJC 1360 AM), President of Futurehealth, Inc, inventor . He is also published regularly on the

With his experience as architect and founder of a technorati top 100 blog, he is also a new media / social media consultant and trainer for corporations, non-profits, entrepreneurs and authors.

Rob is a frequent Speaker on the bottom up revolution, politics, The art, science and power of story, heroes and the hero's journey, Positive Psychology, Stress, Biofeedback and a wide range of subjects. He is a campaign consultant specializing in tapping the power of stories for issue positioning, stump speeches and debates, and optimizing tapping the power of new media. He recently retired as organizer of several conferences, including StoryCon, the Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story and The Winter Brain Meeting on neurofeedback, biofeedback, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology. See more of his articles here and, older ones, here.
To learn more about me and, check out this article.
And there are Rob's quotes, here.

To Watch me on youtube, having a lively conversation with John Conyers, Chair of the House Judiciary committee, click here Now, wouldn't you like to see me on the political news shows, representing progressives. If so, tell your favorite shows to bring me on and refer them to this youtube video

My radio show, The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, runs 9-10 PM EST Wednesday evenings, on AM 1360, WNJC and is archived at Or listen to it streaming, live at

Rob also host a health/mind/body/heart/spirit radio show-- the Rob Kall Futurehealth radio show. Check out podcasts from it at

Follow me on Twitter

A few declarations.
-While I'm registered as a Democrat, I consider myself to be a dynamic critic of the Democratic party, just as, well, not quite as much, but almost as much as I am a critic of republicans.

-My articles express my personal opinion, not the opinion of this website.



The Government of South Korea has prosecuted over 500 public servants and teachers, members of the Korean Government Employees Union (KGEU) and the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU) for alleged violation of punitive laws which make it unlawful for public workers to either support or criticise political parties. Thousands more teachers and public servants are facing indictments and prosecution. The KGEU and the KTU are affiliated to the global union federations Public International and Education International respectively. These laws and the Korean Government's actions contravene the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international labour standards. This is a continuation of a long record of harassment and denial of basic trade union rights by the South Korean government against the KGEU and KTU. The South Korean Government must acknowledge that such actions do not comply with its obligations as a member of the International Labour Organisation, the OECD and the G20. The South Korean Government must amend its legislation to guarantee the civil and political rights of all public employees, including teachers, in conformity with international legislation and guarantee that all Korean public employees are allowed to exercise their workers' and union rights, as well as fundamental rights as citizens.

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"Have we as a nation gone mad, waging war in the Persian Gulf while society crumbles?"

The Pentagon Rules America: Militarism and the Crisis of the Civilian Economy

By Sherwood Ross

"Have we as a nation gone mad, waging war in the Persian Gulf while society crumbles?" Seymour Melman asked rhetorically when I interviewed him for The Progressive 19 years ago.

Even though Melman, a professor emeritus at Columbia University's school of industrial engineering, departed this life in 2004, his question still haunts our society, as the American War Machine since then has only gained in momentum, immensity, universality and cruelty.

To answer Melman: "Yes, we have gone mad." That's because presidents and Pentagon chiefs start new wars even before they finish fighting the old ones! Who can recall a time in our history when the U.S. initiated aggressive wars against five nations (Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen)?

Between 1947 and 1989, Melman said, the U.S. spent $8.2 trillion (in 1982 dollars) on the military. When I said I couldn't grasp a figure that large, Melman replied, "Think of it this way: In 1982, the total money value of all America's manufacturing, industry and its infrastructure amounted to $7.3 trillion. You could have replicated the largest part of everything made by people in this country with what the military got." ( Everything made by everybody? All the houses? All the highways? All the schools? All the hospitals? A new America? Everything?)

Melman went on to say, "Half of every dollar you pay in Federal taxes goes into the military account. Pentagon contractors are awash in billions while the infrastructure that underpins our economy collapse around us and human misery spreads everywhere."

Fast-forward: Today, the Pentagon still gets roughly half of every tax dollar. The War Resisters League estimates 54% of the pie goes to the military compared with 30% for all human resources, 11 percent for general government and 5% for physical resources..

Defense contractors are awash in profits while lines lengthen at soup kitchens, foreclosed families sleep in shelters, 20 million are jobless or underemployed, food stamp use sets records, summer jobs for teens have vanished, and President Obama appears willing to rat out the elderly on Social Security and Medicare as too costly while he authorizes new CIA drone attacks on Pakistan.

The Pentagon budget does more than absorb tax dollars. It punishes the civilian sector in many ways. For instance, it has siphoned off so much scientific talent the U.S. has long since fallen behind Japan and Germany in innovative technologies. "We're paying the price for building colossal military power," Melman said. "It's set in motion a process of technical, industrial and human deterioration. We're losing millions of productive jobs because U.S. firms with U.S. factories can't even hold our home markets against foreign competition."

"While the Pentagon turns out B-2 bombers at $865 million a copy, foreign creators are flooding our markets with cars, bikes, tape recorders, shoes, machine tools, movie cameras, calculators, TV sets, and integrated micro-circuits." Melman said that 19 years ago and it holds true today.

One reason the U.S. fell behind, Melman explained, is that "about 30 percent of the nation's engineers, scientists and technicians work directly or indirectly for the military. The loss to the civilian economy is incalculable." Consumer electronics, he said, "declined dramatically while the Government employs thousands of electronic engineers in its military labs."

That was true when Melman spoke and it is true today. We have an army of death scientists toiling away in germ warfare labs ($50 billion wasted on this nauseating research alone since 9/11), in space warfare labs, in nuclear warfare labs, in electronic warfare labs, as well as in labs specializing in conventional ways to kill people.

Melman said one reason for the continuing dominance of the MIC is that the U.S. "is now a military form of state capitalism in which top managers of the military forces and their economy have dominant power -- economic, political and military." Translation: the Pentagon rules!

Today, Melman might add the Pentagon spends more for war than all 50 states spend for all peaceful purposes; that the Pentagon's armed forces are bigger than the next dozen countries combined; that the Pentagon leads the world in arms sales; and that the Pentagon operates 800 overseas bases for "defense" when, in fact, they are used, like Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, for aggression.

As of Jan. 1 of this year, the National Priorities Project of Northampton, Mass., says, the Pentagon has spent $445 billion to wage war in Afghanistan and $815 billion for Iraq, for a total of $1.26 trillion. This at a time when the American Society of Civil Engineers reckons $2.2 trillion is needed to restore our infrastructure. Example: 33% of all roads are in poor or mediocre condition. Does the Pentagon need to spend $19.3-billion on atomic energy when the same sum could pay 295,000 elementary school teachers?

Cutting the Pentagon down to size and converting to civilian economy will require "a new coalition of working people, professionals, trade associations, mayors -- all suffering from the prosperity of the military-industrial complex, all needing a turn away from militarism... "What we need," Melman concluded, "is a political opposition that would take down the entire military system."

We saw the faintest stirrings of hope for change in June when the U.S. Conference of Mayors passed a resolution to spend at home the $125 billion the Pentagon is wasting this year waging wars in the Middle East. In depressed Detroit, the unemployment level is 38% and Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) blames the White House's lack of leadership for the lack of job creation. Given our infrastructure needs alone, why isn't there a job or job-training for every person who is willing to work?
To support President Obama's medieval war-making is what Professor Melman would rightly have called "mad." It fits the dictionary definition of insanity as "utterly senseless" and "irrational." It also fits the view of insanity which observes that the insane repeat their mistakes over and over. That's today's war machine, bigger and deadlier than ever. Welcome to the United Loony Bin of America.

Author's Bio: Sherwood Ross has worked as a publicist for Chicago; as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News and workplace columnist for Reuters. He has also been a media consultant to colleges, law schools, labor unions, and to the editors of more than 100 national magazines. A civil rights activist, he was News Director for the National Urban League, a talk show host at WOL Radio, Washington, D.C., and holds an award for "best spot news coverage" for Chicago radio stations for civil rights reporting. He is the author "Gruening of Alaska,"(Best Books)and several plays about Japan during World War II, including "Baron Jiro," and "Yamamoto's Decision," read at the National Press Club, where he is a member. His favorite quotations are from the Sermon on The Mount.

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Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Because Obama tends to throw the baby out with the bath water when compromising, I really doubt President Obama can make his 54.5 law a reality. Nevertheless, hold him to his word.--KAS

Kevin --

Anyone who cares about the environment and what we pay at the pump needs to hear this news.

The details get a little complicated -- I had to study up to write this thing -- but bear with me, because this is important.

This week, the President unveiled the next round of a program to make America's cars more efficient -- the most important step our country's taken to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, cut pollution, and bring down costs for drivers.

Getting it done meant bringing together stakeholders -- from auto workers and union representatives to manufacturers and environmental leaders -- to offer their two cents and agree upon a program and set of standards. In light of what's happening on Capitol Hill as I write this, it's a welcome reminder of what can happen when folks put aside their differences and work together to do big things for our country.

This announcement follows up on an aggressive plan that the administration put in place back in 2009, setting ambitious fuel-efficiency and greenhouse-gas standards for 2012-2016 model cars and trucks. That plan alone is estimated to save 1.8 billion barrels of oil -- and save families up to $3,000 at the pump -- over these vehicles' lifetimes. And this new program, covering model years 2017-2025, takes real, tangible steps to raise the bar even higher, nearly doubling the current fuel efficiency of the average car.

This is a big deal. Everyone from truck drivers to farmers to teachers to business owners feel the burden of transportation costs -- and will feel the effects of these improvements.

Because you're someone who has let us know that you're particularly interested in clean energy and environmental issues, we wanted to make sure you heard about this news. We've pulled the information you need about this plan into a graphic you can share with your friends and family.

Check it out, and spread the word.

Here's what this program will mean in the short term: We'll start seeing more electric and hybrid vehicles from manufacturers and more clean-diesel, efficient SUVs and sedans. Automakers will have new incentives to make smart, innovative cars and trucks -- from the materials they choose down to the design of their engines and transmissions. They'll be turning to start-up companies in the clean-energy sector and in advanced battery manufacturing, helping to create jobs across the country.

And in the long term, the results of this program are huge. Here are a couple numbers to show how it will break down:

-- By model year 2025, the average American car or truck will get 54.5 miles a gallon (the average car currently gets 23.8 mpg).
-- We'll have saved 12 billion barrels of oil and eliminated 6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide pollution.
-- A family that purchases a new car in 2025 will save $8,200 in fuel costs, compared with what they'd pay for gas for a similar vehicle bought in 2010.
-- All told, American drivers will save nearly $2 trillion over the life of the program.

Take a look at the infographic we've put together to learn more about what the President's announcement means for all of us:

This is something every American needs to hear about, so you should spread the word.



Mitch Stewart
Battleground States Director
Obama for America


The War on You

I have felt that their has been a war on me--and my family--for decades. And you???--KAS

The War on You

By Michael Collins

Let the word go forth from Washington! The corporate rulers occupying our nation's capital have declared war on just about every citizen.

Have no doubt: those in the upper ranges of the top 1% of wealth in this country (aka The Money Party) want to kick you to the curb.

They want to reduce your social security and make you go broke paying for medical care.

They want to lower your wages and trash your retirement.

They ignore the clear facts that we've had negative job growth since 2000 and the situation is just getting worse.

They want to ship jobs, factories, and entire businesses overseas and give companies that do that a big fat tax credit for doing so.

They've been given so much for nothing for so long. Now, they're ready to take it all. It's their time!

The most recent assault is the ridiculous debate about raising the debt ceiling. There should be no debate. Failing to raise the ceiling right now means deliberate default on debts, refusing to pay bills the government can pay. It's called fraud.

The pressing need to fix the budget is a separate issue. Reduced spending and increased revenues should come through broad public involvement and open debate. It mandates that the rulers behave like adults.

But this crisis isn't about putting together a real budget. It's about creating a budget that punishes you, your family, and friends. It's about taking your attention away from your vital interests to maximize income and control by The Money Party.

Were the leaders on either side of the debate serious, the Bush era tax cuts would be rescinded. These cuts on the top 1% were temporary. Guess what? Congress lied. When the temporary tax breaks ran out a few months ago, they were revived and renewed just when we had the greatest need for revenues.

The Money Party won't give up its wars either. Iraq and Afghanistan have added $4 trillion to the national debt of $14 trillion. Why not stop the wars? How hard is that to figure that out?

Getting rid of Bush tax cuts for the super-rich, ending the wars, and moving out of the recession/depression would be huge steps toward balancing the budget. But that won't happen with this Congress and this president. Why? That would cost the financial elite money for taxes and lost income for all those weapons they sell to support the wars.

The Attack on You Began in Earnest Just Years Ago

Congress repealed Depression era banking regulation that kept your banks from risky investments in 1999.

Congress enacted legislation in 2000 that allowed extremely risky investments in real estate and other derivatives, illegal for nearly a century.

In 2001, the big banks and Wall Street celebrated its newly purchased freedoms with a decade-long binge of fraud and risky investments. Like a greedy con artist, they took everything they could from people here and around the world until there was no more to take. We have now hit the wall thanks to them.

The outrageous expenses of wars based on lies caught up with us and shoved the deficit to new heights. The tax cuts for the top 1% took away revenues needed to balance the budget.

The money they steal from the Social Security surplus is no longer enough. They want to keep the tax in place for us and take an even bigger rake-off.

This crisis is manufactured by the ongoing greed of The Money Party. It is funded by the US Treasury. You pay for it, all of it.


This article may be reproduced with attribution of authorship and a link to the article.

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Author's Bio: Michael Collins is a writer in the DC area who researches and comments on the corruptions of the new millennium. His articles focus on the financial manipulations of The Money Party, the abuse of power by government, and features on elections and election fraud. His articles can be found athere. His website is The Money Party RSS


As a Christian, I am ashamed of Governor Perry--and what do you think?

Eye opener about Gov. Perry

Below are his remarks last week in Longview:

Governor Rick Perry
Transcribed speech
Longview , Texas
May 23, 2011

In 1977, I had left the Air Force and moved home. I’ll be real honest with you—I was a bit lost spiritually, and I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. So I moved in with my mother and father. Now thatʼs a real trip! I had been an aircraft commander, traveling all around the world, seeing amazing places that a boy from Paint Creek , Texas, had never even dreamed were out there before. I had this great epiphany during my mid twenties. As I had lived in Europe and South America and the Middle East , I saw all these different countries with different forms of government. I was actually paying attention to the dictatorships, theocracies, monarchies, democratic states, etc. I started making the connection between how those people lived and the form of government they had. It was most interesting for me, as Iʼd never really given that much attention to our form of government in America . Iʼd taken for granted this extraordinary country we live in, but I came to realize that America is really a special place. I also made the calculation that inside that really cool place was this incredible place called Texas!

At twenty-five, twenty-six years old, it dawned on me what an incredible country we live in, and that the vast majority of the people take it for granted. They abuse the privilege of living in a free country. They don't realize how so many other people live around the world. But with that knowledge, I went home and lived with my mom and dad. I moved back into my old room. At eighteen years old, I left to go to my beloved Texas A&M University . Nine years later, I came back into my old room. I swear to God, I know mother cleaned it, but it looked exactly like it did the day I left. It had my football number on the door, and it had the all-star football game program still stuck on the bulletin board. It was an eerie moment for me to move back home. My dad was pretty sure I was the same stupid eighteen-year-old that had left. I was pretty sure he hadnʼt gotten any smarter either. So we went through this really brutal period of time of finding our comfort zone. But God was dealing with me. At twenty-seven years old, I knew that Iʼd been called to the ministry. Iʼve just always been really stunned by how big a pulpit I was gonna have! I still am. I truly believe with all my heart that God has put me in this place at this time to do His will.
On Aug the 6th of this year, 2011, we are going to have a day of prayer and fasting. And itʼs going to be the real deal. Itʼs not going to be some program where we line up a dozen political figures to come in and talk. Itʼs going to be people standing on that stage, projecting and proclaiming Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior at Reliant Stadium in Houston , Texas . Let me tell you, thatʼs a big stadium and there will be a lot of people. But itʼs going to send a powerful message across this country! Our countryʼs broke. Well, actually, Washingtonʼs broke; our countryʼs going to be just fine. But weʼve got to have men and women who are willing to stand up to proclaim the values that this country was based upon. In 1774, at the Continental Congress when they got together and penned that first document, they talked about “life” and “liberty.” Interestingly, the third thing they talked about was “property.” A couple of years later, when they actually wrote the Declaration, they changed that “property” to “the pursuit of happiness.” I just signed a piece of legislation today, the immanent domain legislation. I tell people, that “personal property” and the ownership of that personal property is crucial to our way of life. Our founding fathers understood that it was a very important part of the pursuit of happiness. Being able to own things that are your own is one of the things that makes America unique. But I happen to think that itʼs in jeopardy. Itʼs in jeopardy because of taxes; itʼs in jeopardy because of regulation; itʼs in jeopardy because of a legal system thatʼs run amuck. And I think itʼs time for us to just hand it over to God and say, “God, Youʼre going to have to fix this.” (I think it was Herman Cain who stood up the other day and said, “Howʼs that “Hope and Change” thing working out for you?”) I think itʼs time for us to use our wisdom and our influence and really put it in Godʼs hands. Thatʼs what Iʼm going to do, and I hope youʼll join me. I hope you’ll join us in Houston on the 6th day of August and really start a revival across this country. Hereʼs what I want to leave you with. I know from time to time, people will say something like, “There goes Perry. He wants to secede.” But I love this country. Weʼre a special place. We were created by God-fearing individuals who understood those biblical values and how powerful they could be and would be in the future. And I suggest that for our country, our best days are ahead if weʼll get on our knees and ask God to take over and give us wisdom. I may wear the Lord out every day in prayer. I pray for this country. I pray for restoration for this country. I pray for our president every day. I pray that God turns buckets of wisdom out on his head, that God will open his eyes. We can change this country, but it requires our giving it to Him and letting Him guide us.


--"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes".

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May 23, 2011

In 1977, I had left the Air Force and moved home. I’ll be real honest with you—I was a bit lost spiritually, and I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. So I moved in with my mother and father. Now thatʼs a real trip! I had been an aircraft commander, traveling all around the world, seeing amazing places that a boy from Paint Creek , Texas, had never even dreamed were out there before. I had this great epiphany during my mid twenties. As I had lived in Europe and South America and the Middle East , I saw all these different countries with different forms of government. I was actually paying attention to the dictatorships, theocracies, monarchies, democratic states, etc. I started making the connection between how those people lived and the form of government they had. It was most interesting for me, as Iʼd never really given that much attention to our form of government in America . Iʼd taken for granted this extraordinary country we live in, but I came to realize that America is really a special place. I also made the calculation that inside that really cool place was this incredible place called Texas!

At twenty-five, twenty-six years old, it dawned on me what an incredible country we live in, and that the vast majority of the people take it for granted. They abuse the privilege of living in a free country. They don't realize how so many other people live around the world. But with that knowledge, I went home and lived with my mom and dad. I moved back into my old room. At eighteen years old, I left to go to my beloved Texas A&M University . Nine years later, I came back into my old room. I swear to God, I know mother cleaned it, but it looked exactly like it did the day I left. It had my football number on the door, and it had the all-star football game program still stuck on the bulletin board. It was an eerie moment for me to move back home. My dad was pretty sure I was the same stupid eighteen-year-old that had left. I was pretty sure he hadnʼt gotten any smarter either. So we went through this really brutal period of time of finding our comfort zone. But God was dealing with me. At twenty-seven years old, I knew that Iʼd been called to the ministry. Iʼve just always been really stunned by how big a pulpit I was gonna have! I still am. I truly believe with all my heart that God has put me in this place at this time to do His will.
On Aug the 6th of this year, 2011, we are going to have a day of prayer and fasting. And itʼs going to be the real deal. Itʼs not going to be some program where we line up a dozen political figures to come in and talk. Itʼs going to be people standing on that stage, projecting and proclaiming Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior at Reliant Stadium in Houston , Texas . Let me tell you, thatʼs a big stadium and there will be a lot of people. But itʼs going to send a powerful message across this country! Our countryʼs broke. Well, actually, Washingtonʼs broke; our countryʼs going to be just fine. But weʼve got to have men and women who are willing to stand up to proclaim the values that this country was based upon. In 1774, at the Continental Congress when they got together and penned that first document, they talked about “life” and “liberty.” Interestingly, the third thing they talked about was “property.” A couple of years later, when they actually wrote the Declaration, they changed that “property” to “the pursuit of happiness.” I just signed a piece of legislation today, the immanent domain legislation. I tell people, that “personal property” and the ownership of that personal property is crucial to our way of life. Our founding fathers understood that it was a very important part of the pursuit of happiness. Being able to own things that are your own is one of the things that makes America unique. But I happen to think that itʼs in jeopardy. Itʼs in jeopardy because of taxes; itʼs in jeopardy because of regulation; itʼs in jeopardy because of a legal system thatʼs run amuck. And I think itʼs time for us to just hand it over to God and say, “God, Youʼre going to have to fix this.” (I think it was Herman Cain who stood up the other day and said, “Howʼs that “Hope and Change” thing working out for you?”) I think itʼs time for us to use our wisdom and our influence and really put it in Godʼs hands. Thatʼs what Iʼm going to do, and I hope youʼll join me. I hope you’ll join us in Houston on the 6th day of August and really start a revival across this country. Hereʼs what I want to leave you with. I know from time to time, people will say something like, “There goes Perry. He wants to secede.” But I love this country. Weʼre a special place. We were created by God-fearing individuals who understood those biblical values and how powerful they could be and would be in the future. And I suggest that for our country, our best days are ahead if weʼll get on our knees and ask God to take over and give us wisdom. I may wear the Lord out every day in prayer. I pray for this country. I pray for restoration for this country. I pray for our president every day. I pray that God turns buckets of wisdom out on his head, that God will open his eyes. We can change this country, but it requires our giving it to Him and letting Him guide us.


--"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes".

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SAVE OUR SCHOOLS RALLY: "Matt Damon defends teachers, makes them cry at rally"

Matt Damon defends teachers, makes them cry at rally

By Kase Wickman

Actor Matt Damon attended this weekend’s Save Our Schools (SOS) March in Washington, D.C. where he delivered a speech and gave media interviews afterward.

His speech, introduced by his mother (an early childhood educator herself), made many of the assembled teachers emotional enough that they cried, according to audience reports.

In the press tent after his speech, Damon had a confrontative interview, wherein a reporter said that “10 percent of teachers are bad” and should reconsider what they were doing.

“Maybe you’re a shitty cameraman,” Damon retorted.

Watch Damon’s interview below, embedded via YouTube.

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Pentagon lands extra $50 billion out of debt deal

Pentagon lands extra $50 billion out of debt deal

By Stephen C. Webster
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Out of a bill that was supposed to cut government spending and waste wherever it is found, lawmakers managed to cobble together an additional $50 billion for the U.S. Defense Department's budget, using an accounting trick to disguise the move.

Instead of cutting $400 billion from the Pentagon's budget over the next 12 years like President Barack Obama proposed in April, Republicans put their own cuts at $350 billion over the next 13 years, leaving the nation's defense apparatus an extra $50 billion it hadn't planned on.

Disguised as a cut, the Pentagon's budget boost would have gone unnoticed in the press were it not for McClatchy reporter Nancy A. Youssef.

At the time of his recommendation, President Obama said that part of the savings might come from the scheduled withdrawal of the remaining U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year, as well as a planned drawdown of forces in Afghanistan.

The deal President Obama and Senate Democrats struck with House Republicans will set up a 12-member legislative committee to look at cuts moving forward, and would mandate up to $600 billion in defense cuts if Congress cannot agree on the committee's recommendations.

Defense industry advocates and some members of Congress have cautioned that the recommendations for defense spending cuts could slice deep and may ultimately trim off much more than current numbers reflect.

The cuts won't begin until 2014.


East Africa is currently in the midst of its worst drought in over 60 years

Letter from the Editor
East Africa is currently in the midst of its worst drought in over 60 years. Consecutive years of failed rains have caused devastating losses of crops, livestock, and incomes across the region, and right now over 11.6 million people are at risk of starvation.

The UN has called it the "world's worst humanitarian crisis" in decades, yet US media coverage of the situation has been largely overshadowed by other news and events.

Plan has been on the ground in three of the drought-hit countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Sudan – providing life-saving aid to affected children and families. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, 1.4 million people are already receiving aid.

But thousands of families still need your help. If you haven't already given, please consider making a donation to help children and families facing starvation in East Africa. You can also help us increase awareness of the crisis by forwarding this newsletter on to your family and friends.

Thank you again for helping children and families in need.

Latest update on Plan's response
Plan's response now reacing 1.4 million people Plan's drought response now reaching 1.4 million people
Thanks to your generosity, Plan's emergency operations are now helping over 1.4 million people affected by the drought. Find out how you are helping to save lives in Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan.
Read our latest update>>

From the field
Plan distributes food in drought-hit Ethiopia Video - See Plan distributing food aid in Ethiopia
See your donations in action at a food distribution point in Wondogenet, Southern Ethiopia. At this distribution site, Plan is providing emergency aid – including maize, beans, and high-calorie oil – to over 4,000 people affected by the drought.
Watch the video>>

Case studies: Meet drought victims in Ethiopia Case studies: Meet drought victims in Ethiopia
Adanech is a mother of 5 in Ethiopia’s Shebedino area. The long dry season has left her without food and too weak to produce milk for her young baby. Read her story, and hear from other families coping with the drought in Ethiopia.
Read more>>

Plan launches $15 million emergency response in Kenya Hear from drought-affected families in Kenya
Plan staff on the ground in Kenya speak with families affected by the brutal drought. Hear firsthand how the crisis is affecting their lives, and how they are trying to cope.
Learn more>>

Featured blog post from the affected region
Girls bear the brunt of the food crisis Girls bear the brunt of the food crisis
As families face hunger in East Africa, women and girls are usually the first to go hungry. The responsibility for finding food falls on their shoulders, and economic pressures often force girls to drop out of school or marry early. Plan UK’s Rose Foley weighs in from the field.
Read the blog>>
